Dain Soppelsa-Training Log for week of 6/12/17-Week 2 of new off-season

Day 1 Squat/Deadlift


McGill Big 3

Goblet squats

Buffalo Bar Squats RPE 6

up to 465 x 3

Conventional Deadlifts RPE 6

up to 405 x 2

KB Swings

8 x 4

Extra Wide Pause Squats

2 x 4

Plate Pinches

3 sets


Day 2 Bench Press


McGill Big 3

Band Flyes

Long Pause 2 Board Press RPE 6

225 x 5

275 x 5 x 4

Noodle Press

225 x 5

245 x 5 x 4

Fat Man Pull-ups

10 x 3

Band Pushdowns

100 reps

Plate Pinches

3 sets


Day 3 Lower Body Assistance


McGill Big 3

Goblet Squats

McGill Chin-ups

1 x 10

Bent Over Rows

8 x 3


15 x 3

Piston Squats

5 x 3

Goblet Squats

10 x 3

Single Leg GM

10 x 3 per leg

Hex DB Holds

3 sets for time


This was a solid week of working on my weaknesses. Something that I have noticed as I have trained with Dan Dalenberg longer and longer, my off-season work is getting much more difficult. I believe this is due to Dan knowing my weaknesses better from seeing them first hand. The exercises on Day 1 and Day 2 are kicking my butt. The weights aren’t heavy, but the work is difficult and I’ve been very tired after these sessions. It’s definitely a huge bonus to train with a guy that really knows his stuff. One of the many bonuses of being part of team PRS. It’s a cool feeling to be doing exercises that I have never performed before even though I’ve been lifting weights for 15+ years. Turns out this 10/20/Life stuff works…who wouldn’t thunk it? lol

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Dain Soppelsa

Dain comes to the PowerRackStrength Team with many years of competitive experience. He started competing in southwest Michigan in 2001 and has primarily lifted multi-ply since then. He has totaled pro in 3 weight classes; 2304@275, 2435@308 and 2500@SHW. His best lifts include a 1060 squat, 800 bench and 715 deadlift.
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