Team Samson Powerlifting- One is the Loneliest Number… Training 6/19-6/25


Adam Driggers is keeping his retirement casual by still out-lifting active lifters on occasion. Shane Ford is training to compete at the SoFit Expo here in Jacksonville Fl. Filipe Gusmao is going through an offseason cycle prior to competing again.


This week, I really don’t have much training footage, except for my own, hence the title. We got a bit of a running start into this training cycle, by starting the equipment at about 12 weeks out. this week makes 9 weeks out from the SoFit Expo here in Jacksonville. The expo is hosting the WPC Open Challenge, which is the portion I’ll be competing in. The SoFit Expo is also hosting Strongman, Crossfit, Jiu-Jitsu, and Olympic lifting competitions.

Enough intro, on to the training!

Squat- Worked up to 690 lbs for a nice easy double. It was a PR double, and the first time with straps up in a really long time.

Bench- Last meet prep I dealt with a couple of issues with my bicep, tricep and shoulder, on my left arm, so training was kind of a crap shoot for that meet. No issues so far (knocking on wood), so I was pleased with this 525×2 to a 3 board.

Deadlift- I hate pulling off of a 4″ block. I don’t feel like I get jack for drive from my legs. So, Jon has me working 4″ blocks. It’s a weak point in the lift for me, so, we’ll hammer on it, until it’s not. 635×2 here. I’ve got to pay more attention to where I grip the bar. Evidently it was uneven in my hands.

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Team Samson Powerlifting

Team Samson was founded by Adam Driggers who built the Team Samson compound. Some of the biggest names in powerlifting have trained with Team Samson including Dondell Blue, Al Caslow, and Gary Frank. What began as a small group of members has grown into an accomplished team of lifters that continue to chase after new strength gains. Team Samson is made up of pro lifters Brian Carroll, Clint Smith, and Jonathan Byrd along with lifters in various stages of their lifting career including Adam Driggers, Keith Price, Filipe Gusmão, Mike Holman, Paul Key, Shane Ford, Shane Shepperd, and Tony Garland.
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