I love deadlifting in the LUP because I have an odd body shape and it is difficult to get a suit tight in the hips. I added an additional adjustment to the hip area so that I could dial in that area in more detail. I start with the hips first, pulling them tight much like I would in the squat and then work my way down leaving the legs snug. The upper section I leave pretty loose so that I can breath. I crank the straps at all times on the deadlift.

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Jonathan Byrd

Jonathan Byrd is a competitive powerlifter, with over 16 years of training experience. Byrd has been ranked nationally for the past 6 years under multiple categories. His total has ranked as high as second nationally in the 275 class. He currently has a best total of 2500lbs. Best individual lifts include a 1040lb squat, a 750lb bench press, and 735lb deadlift. His 1040lb squat ranks him 26th all-time squats at the 308 class. Jonathan currently trains out of Team Samson Gym in Jacksonville, FL. Before powerlifting Jonathan was a college athlete at Methodist University as both an all-conference football player and track athlete. Following graduation he played four years of arena football in various leagues.
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