1. I believe that the time-lapse between the MRI’s was close to 3 years, or just under.
  2.   A follow-up MRI would only be required if you’re having ongoing dysfunction.  As GOI showed, Brian was pain free for a long time before he got the MRI follow-up and I am sure that if he were not writing a book, he may not have even gotten it done.  I could very well be mistaken on that because we all get curious.  He was pushing 1000+ pound squats and 700+ deadlifts for quite some time between the MRIs along with doing a handful of 3-Lift meets.
  3. In terms of anti-inflammatory supplements, I use Turmeric (Curcumin) on a daily basis.  I have had both my knees operated on and find that this supplement definitely helps me stay ahead of the curve.  Not to mention a whole host of other positive health benefits.
  4. This one is a little out of my scope.  Brian would be able to provide more insight here.  Dr. McGill has used has approach on many high levels athletes with a tremendous amount of success, as I am sure you know.
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