By Danny Vega I wanted to share my thoughts on switching from strictly powerlifting to competing in endurance events. This last year has been full of big changes for me, and one of them...

I'm currently training for the Gasparilla Half Marathon on February 26th. I'm following Tony Cowden's EndStrength 13.1 program. This is my first endurance event. [wa-wps] Wrapping up my first week prepping for the Gasparilla half...

I'm currently training for the Gasparilla Half Marathon on February 26th. I'm following Tony Cowden's EndStrength 13.1 program. This is my first endurance event. [wa-wps] This is my first week prepping for the Gasparilla half...

My current focus is on learning as much as possible as well as getting better at something I've never really been a fan of--endurance. I'll be running a 5k on thanksgiving and then...

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