I am currently in pre-contest mode getting ready for the 2017 XPC Finals at the Arnold where I will be lifting in the multiply division. [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BPICzGnhVKx/?taken-by=mrsgoogs Warm Up: Single arm KB swings Front/Side Raises 5lb...

I am currently in pre-contest mode getting ready for the XPC Finals at the Arnold where I will be lifting in the equipped division. [wa-wps] https://instagram.com/p/BO-bIf8h-ok/ https://instagram.com/p/BPFVcWrBPhF/   Saturday Squats & Pulls Warm up: McGill Big 3 Goblet Squats ...

By Lisa Guggisberg Ever since I have been with my husband he has always had a tattoo piece in progress.  It’s his thing, he enjoys getting tattoos and they are, in my opinion, beautiful...

I am currently in pre-contest mode for the 2017 XPC Finals at the Arnold.  I am planning on doing the Arnold equipped and then the Women's Pro Am raw.  [wa-wps] https://www.instagram.com/p/BOhiazzBUvu/?taken-by=mrsgoogs https://www.instagram.com/p/BOnWDWxh5Ut/?taken-by=mrsgoogs Saturday Squat/Deadlift Warm up: McGill...

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