
I'm a raw 242 powerlifter working towards my first 2000 total. I've trained using the 10/20/Life Methodology since late 201o, adding 325 pounds to my total and building my best lifts of a...

Training to improve on my best competition lifts of 1040 squat, 705 bench, and 730 deadlift. Currently working my way down to the 275 class. Goal: This is week two of my offseason...

I’m currently in an off-season training mode, and I’m looking to do a meet in the fall. Bodyweight is currently down to 270 from 293 and I want to continue becoming more healthy...

10/20/Life week 3, day 3; Squat and DL Warm-up: Mcgill big 3 Goblet squat Band Goblet squat Band One Leg GM Goal for the day: This would be the second session with Scott and squats and pulls were on...

10/20/Life Week 3, day 2; Bench training and Special Guest Warm-up: McGill big 3 Band fly Goal for the day: Scott Paltos, exercise master, came down to FL to spend some time to shoot the breeze, brain-storm and...

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