Byrd: Training With The Gym Bros

After some recent injuries and pneumonia, I have no meets in sight. I am going into an offseason with some goals of getting healthy, fixing some specific weak areas, and trust me there are a few!

I’m currently working an off-season program I wrote to help keep myself a little more honest. I am also going to the local commercial gym 1-2 days a week to just get in a little cardio and do some stuff on machines. I don’t fit in, and hate it, but it needs to be done.

To wrap up week 1 of my off-season I got in two training sessions at the local commercial gym. This stuff is always pretty light, but overall I am just weak and need to improve overall not just in the big three.

I started off both sessions walking on the treadmill for 25 minutes. I walk a ton with my job, but with being out for winter break I have been slacking. I then make sure I get my mcgill big 3 in, and then just hit some fluff and buff.

Day 1:
3×10 rows
3×10 lat pull down
3×20 face pulls
3×10 shrugs

Day 2:
down the rack curls with straight bar (starting light and going up)
12-10-8-6 for 3 sets

4×20 push downs
3×10 pec deck
3×10 dumbbell press

That was it for the week, while it doesnt seem like much it has put me back on the right track. The goal is to continue to train at least 1 time per week at the commercial gym as well as my 3 days at Team Samson.

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Jonathan Byrd

Jonathan Byrd is a competitive powerlifter, with over 16 years of training experience. Byrd has been ranked nationally for the past 6 years under multiple categories. His total has ranked as high as second nationally in the 275 class. He currently has a best total of 2500lbs. Best individual lifts include a 1040lb squat, a 750lb bench press, and 735lb deadlift. His 1040lb squat ranks him 26th all-time squats at the 308 class. Jonathan currently trains out of Team Samson Gym in Jacksonville, FL. Before powerlifting Jonathan was a college athlete at Methodist University as both an all-conference football player and track athlete. Following graduation he played four years of arena football in various leagues.
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