By: Brian Carroll
Everyone wants a big bench. In fact, it’s one of the first exercises most try to learn when they begin to strength train. The only problem is that it’s rarely done...
By: Jonathan Byrd
"It's a knife fight in a phone booth; you are both going to get cut! You just have to make sure the other son of a bitch is bleeding more at...
By: Danny Vega
There is a growing trend in powerlifting—thanks to Brian Carroll and a few others—of taking a step back and looking at the choices we make to become great, and where those choices...
By: Daniel Dalenberg
One of the most important aspects of setting up a training cycle, regardless of training method, is correctly identifying and attacking weak points. The 10/20/Life book makes coaching yourself and applying...
By: Brian Carroll
I’ll be covering an obscure or special assistance movement each week that I feel is important and should potentially be considered as an addition to your programming at some capacity.
Bodybuilding aka...