Derek Wilcox: Strong(ish) Garagebell Chronicles The Beginning Of Offseason 11-5-17
On to a new training plan to make a run for another world record squat most likely sometime in the spring. Planning to put on some muscle, be less fat and make a...
On to a new training plan to make a run for another world record squat most likely sometime in the spring. Planning to put on some muscle, be less fat and make a...
I recently competed at the RPS Northern KY Fall Throwdown where I totaled 1720@198 raw. I'm now in an off season training cycle working on bringing up some weak areas. I'm training with... It looked like the day was mine for the taking but one of those real tiny variables that are involved with equipped lifting reared it's ugly head. Check out the video! Although I got... I’m moving into meet prep before equipment comes into play in preparation for a meet in October. Heavy Lower Day (Warm ups – Empty bar squats with wraps on quads/hams, rotational hip stretches, TFL stretch, bird...
here in Florida, between June and November, we run the risk of getting smashed by a hurricane. This last one hit us harder that any other in recent memory. That's why this post...
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