Dan Dalenberg | Off-season Squat/Pull

I recently lifted at the 2017 Arnold XPC finals where I totaled 2370, via 940, 700, 730. I am in the middle of a long off season leading up to a fall full meet. 

Off season is starting to come to a close! A few more weeks and contest prep will be here.

Squat- Full Gear RPE 7 singles

Raw through 445

Briefs for 535

Suit on- 625. I tried a smaller LUP and decided it just wasn’t going to work. I am towards the bottom end of the 2XL sizing and top end of XL. The XL isn’t quite big enough for me.

Switched to 2XL LUP- 715 easy

805 disaster. Unrack was terrible, broke at the knees and put it right back in the rack. I need to spend more time handling lighter weights!

Dead- Raw RPE 7 Singles

Up through 585, no issues, nice and smooth

Sumo Deads- 315 for several doubles

Lat Pulldowns

Not too bad of a session. Good reminder that I still don’t really know how to squat in full gear.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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