15 Nov Dan Dalenberg | Off-season | Week 1
I recently lifted in the Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic, where I totaled 2255 via 885/650/720. I will be doing a short, 5 week off season before starting contest prep for the 2017 Arnold XPC meet.
After a couple weeks off, the focus for this first week is just to get back into the groove. The weights will be pretty light.
1. Squat- Triples at 6RPE
Up to the mid 400s. 6RPE is just barely more than a deload so this is about as heavy as it was going to get.
That shift to the right needs to be fixed. I also cramp on the right side when benching. I’m wondering if it is all connected and is either a misalignment in my pelvis, or maybe some overly tight low/mid back soft tissue. Either way, I’m making an appointment with my chiropractor to try and get it sorted out.
2. Sumo Pulls off a low block- Triples at 6
Up to 405. I hate pulling sumo. It is great until my grip starts to go. I have a lot of trouble pulling sumo with a mixed grip and my tiny hobbit hands make double over quite difficult.
3. Speed Pulls – 3 singles
Knocked these three at 315 out really quick.
4. Rolling Planks

Daniel Dalenberg

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