04 Aug Dan Dalenberg | Offseason | Bench
I recently lifted at the Arnold Classic XPC meet where I totaled 1955, benched 500 raw and pulled a PR deadlift. Off season training has started after a nice long deload. I’m going back to what has worked the absolute best for me, having Brian Carroll handle writing my programming.
Tough bench session last night.
1. Raw Bench- Doubles to 8RPE
Stopped at 365. Everything felt slow and crappy.
2. Shirted bench- Doubles to 8RPE off 2 board
Stopped at 585. Better. Moved my grip back to pinky on the ring and feel like I have a lot more control.
3. Shirted Bench- Singles off 1 board
585 for the first one. This felt ok, moved decent. 635 for the second one that I missed badly. My elbows are completely beat, I was riding the line with breaking in a new shirt and getting into all of the squat gear. Add in a bunch of manual labor at home and my body finally gave up. Not a big deal, just need a break and to back off a little.
My elbows had been feeling bad the whole session and then on that final press as soon as I started the press my elbows both had a hot pain. It’s a flair up on tendinitis that I have struggled with on and off over the years. It’s not a horribly difficult thing to deal with, but it does rob my pressing power. I called it quits there.
4. Incline Dumbbell
5. Rolling Plank
Daniel Dalenberg
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