Dan Dalenberg | Offseason Week 2 | Bench

I recently lifted in the Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic, where I totaled 2255 via 885/650/720. I will be doing a short, 5 week off season before starting contest prep for the 2017 Arnold XPC meet.

1. Bench- Swiss Bar- Triples to 7RPE

Worked up through 355. These all felt really pretty good. I’m not sure what the most I’ve pressed on this bar is, but I know it isn’t much more than this, if any more at all. I’m happy with this.

2. 3 Board Close Grip- Triples

Worked up through 405 really easy. Very happy with that as I tend to suck big time off 2-3 boards. Went to 455 like a greedy jerk and hit a single before deciding to rack it.

3. Lat pull downs

4. Pressdowns/Curls Super Set- PUMPED UP BRO.

Nutrition Update

I’m 3 weeks into a keto diet, guided by Danny. My body weight has settled and stabilized at 230-232 and I feel great. Sleep quality has improved greatly and energy through out the day is much better than before.

I love it so far. Admittedly the first 10 days or so I felt like a deflated balloon but now my body seems to be filling out again. I feel big again, just a lot less bloated. Strength seems reasonable. I think I’m adapting to this style of eating pretty well. Everything tastes good, that’s for sure. It’s all covered in oil and butter.


This part isn’t training related at all.

I really like what I’m doing now professionally.

This morning I lead a 3 hour brainstorming session/human centered design exercise with my engineering team and a design consultant. The stuff is so fun to do. We are playing in the sandbox so to speak, building prototypes fast and talking to physicians (customers) all the time to try and figure out what they really need. I’ve found myself really interested in human centered design and reading a ton about it. My title is project manager, but really I’m starting to do a lot more of this HCD facilitation work than just traditional project management. Which is great, because it stretches my mind and energizes me!

Really I think I’ve found the space that most technical people/engineers say they want to be in- researching, with little to no rules/set processes, and creating “stuff” every day. It’s pretty cool. I like it and I’d like to stay in this area of profession for awhile.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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