Dan Dalenberg | Pre-meet Update

Contest prep is well underway. I will competing at the Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic in October, lifting multi-ply 242. I will be looking to improve on my PR total of 2370.

Just a few days out now!

Some Training Highlights

Some things that went really well:

Squat- 1000 pound reverse band squat. 900 pound opener in week 2 and 3. Very happy with those sessions.

Bench- 705 two board press. Every time that I have taken my 650 opener.

Deadlift- 750 block pull early in the cycle. 650 opener from week 2.

Some Challenges

  • Squat technique. I tried widening my stance, pointing my toes out more, sitting back harder and carrying the bar higher. None of that worked! REMINDER TO SELF: When I inevitably make the same damn mistake in a few months: My stance isn’t any different than it is raw, just wider but still very moderate. Toes are the same. Bar gets carried just as low. Don’t try to widen the grip. Don’t try to sit back too hard, don’t do it different than I do raw. This is what works. (Keep an eye out for when I reshare this blog in the spring because I made the same stupid mistakes and had to go back and read it again.)
  • Bench- Elbow pain. My arms were rightly screwed up for about 3 weeks. Nothing could be done without pain. I need to be getting more regular soft tissue work to alleviate this. I also have a moderate concern that I might have a stress fracture. No shirt work after the meet for awhile!
  • Deads- Simply having the energy to pull after squatting. I need to be better conditioned in the future.


  • I am under tremendous pressure at work right now. I’m getting hammered by a project and don’t have much choice but to be working a lot. Can’t do much about it, just have to accept it as a gravity issue. Thankfully, I like my job, my team and am probably addicted to my work. So while it isn’t great to be stressed right now, I thrive on this stress.
  • School- let’s throw a master’s degree program on top of work. Why not? I’m fine. This is fine. Everything is fine. 

Overall, I am really looking forward to this meet. My training wrapped up strong. My body feels good and bodyweight is right on point to not have a cut to do. I feel good, albeit a bit tired.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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