Dan Dalenberg | Week 15 | SQ/DL

Training for the XPC/RPS Atlantic City meet on August 29th. I will be lifting raw with wraps at 242.

Good squat session the other night. Nothing heavy yet, won’t get very heavy for a few weeks but feeling good.

Squat- 70% x 2 x 2

Worked up to two doubles  at 600. The first set wasn’t great. I definitely was not respecting the weight, got a little loose and just didn’t have my head in it. 2nd set was much better and felt pretty effortless.

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Deads- 50% x 5 x 1

Just 315 for 5 singles.

Sumo Pulls 2 x 3

365 for 2 triples

Finished up with a couple rounds of the McGill 3

Last Friday

Brian and Beth were in Grand Rapids for a seminar so I went and trained with them on Friday. Ended up pulling in an Inzer Fusion that Brian had with him. First couple sets were awful. 500 pounds felt like a billion. I thought this gear stuff was supposed to help me lift?? Finally got the hang of it, somewhat at least, and some lighter weights (405 for a bunch of singles) felt super easy. Extremely uncomfortable and I know I would need several more sessions before I felt like I knew what I was doing. Fun nonetheless.

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Daniel Dalenberg

Dan Dalenberg is a pro level raw and equipped powerlifter with elite totals in the 220, 242 and 275 class. Best official raw meet lifts include an 804 squat, 507 bench press, 715 dead lift and 2006 total. Best equipped lifts include an 950 squat, 715 bench, 735 deadlift and 2400 total at 242. Dan has been training under Brian's guidance using the 10/20/Life methodology since late 2010.
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