15 Feb Danny Bellmore – 4 Weeks Post Op
I just completed the 2017 APF Senior Nationals. With just a small set back the meet went fairly well. I finished with a win in the Masters and the Open.
I am currently about 4 weeks post op. So as far as we can tell the surgery has been a success. The greatest change has been my diet, I am not able to swallow any food without using water to chase it down with. Eating at times can be pretty intense, you never know if you will choke or puke. The Dr. informed me that after 2-3 weeks he does not see much more of an improvement with other patients. So basically this may be the way things will be. I am still holding out some hope.
The upcoming weeks I plan on working on my diet. I am in talks with someone right now to do meal prep for me. We talked about what would fit my needs best under the current situation. The goal here is to eat well and get some weight back on me.
I will also work on my mobility and devise a program to get back to training. I know it will take some time to get back moving well in the gym. It has been almost 3 months since I have done any lifting. The goal here is to start slow and see where it takes me. The surgery has taken a lot out of me and I will not be pushing very hard to start with.
I will be continuing treatment for my QL at Empower Chiropractic and Acupuncture as long as I can fit it into my schedule. I have seen some improvement upon each visit and will see if I continues. Between this and Dr. McGill’s protocol I am hoping to be moving better soon.
Danny Bellmore
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