Danny Bellmore – Light Training

I recently underwent a c-3/c-4 cervical fusion, all due to a freak accident over the summer. The pain before surgery has completely diminished. The surgery left me with a considerable amount of right shoulder pain. After speaking with the doctor about the issue he assured me it wasn’t from being contorted during surgery and it will diminish with time. Eating has been a huge drawback ever since the surgery, there are some foods that I just won’t be able to eat anymore do to my issues with swallowing.


First and foremost, I would like top thank Brian for providing us with the best lifting gear available through Inzer Advance Designs. https://www.inzernet.com/

Brian also makes sure we have the best supplements through Captain Jacked. https://captainjacked.com/ or also can be bought through https://www.powerrackstrength.com/

This week my focus was working on a game plan moving forward. The doctor released me to do light work, keeping in mind I need to keep a neutral head position no matter what the movement is. I would like to avoid another fusion at all cost.

I will not be doing any deadlifting or any type of front squats for some time. I will be sticking with basic movements. Day 1 (squats, ghr, and leg ext) Day 2 (floor press with 2 pads under my head, modified tricep ext off pins and front and side laterals) Day 3 saftey squat or cambered bar, leg curls and belt squats with added in upper back work). Every workout is started with a proper warm up. I will add more volume once I start to feel better. This is just a plan to get back into shape and it will take some time. 

I have been cleaning up my diet and this will get much better over time. Kristen Bolduc has been doing my meal prep for me and I have to say everything has been great. She is local and very affordable if anyone is interested. I will be continuing my trips to Empower Chiropractic and Acupuncture for e-stim treatments for my QL.

Right now, I have no long-term plan. This last surgery has taken a lot of wind out of my sails and I am not getting any younger. This surgery makes my 6th one since 2012 to say it is getting old is an understatement. I have had two shoulder surgeries, a bicep attachment, 2 cervical fusions and my gall bladder removed. Not to mention in this time I had torn both lats completely off.

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Danny Bellmore

Danny has been involved in powerlifting since 1994. The first swing at a career was short lived due to a major back injury in 1999 that resulted in a 3-level spinal (lumbar) fusion. At that point, he took a 10-year break. Avoiding the gym all together because his body, and back, just never felt right. In 2010, Danny went to handle a good friend at a local meet. That experience re-ignited the fire within and he was back under the bar, never looking back. Danny established an elite total at my first meet back in 2010 and then accomplished a win at the 2012 APF Masters Nationals. Through his win at the APF Masters, he was training using the Conjugate Method, but he wanted a change. He needed a change. Danny reached out to a friend who stated that Brian and the Samson Barbell crew had it going on. In the process of connecting with Brian, he has endured a few setbacks. During our initial discussions, he had torn my rotator cuff and labrum, along with a separated AC joint. The surgery did not "take" and just nine months later, he was back under the knife for a "do-over." During the healing process, he had lost feeling and strength in my right arm. Being pig headed, he waited and waited. My choice to remain stubborn backfired, and I was back in the OR for another spinal (cervical) fusion. Now healed, and a few years under Brian, Danny’s total has moved to 1871 @ 165. He doesn’t like to predict or talk about goals, but he wants more, and feels like he has more. Plans now are to compete at the Senior Nationals in Jacksonville, Florida this June.
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