Danny Bellmore – Off Season

I just completed the 2017 APF Senior Nationals. With just a small set back the meet went fairly well. I finished with a win in the Masters and the Open. I will be going into a long off season with nothing planned as far as meets go.


I went in this week for a nerve block. Its been about 5 days and I have not had any relief from the block.  From past experience I really didn’t have any hi hopes for this to actually work. These are the formalities that you need to go through to make the insurance companies happy. From here I have no idea what they have planned.

This weekend was the New England open and I must say lifters from my gym really killed it. Everyone worked hard and did a great job. Congrats to them all!

We at PRS exclusively use Inzer gear.  https://www.inzernet.com/


Squat Day

McGill Big 3

Goblet Squats

 Box Squats

Bar x 20







Belt Squats

3×10 (Wide Stance)

Ham Glute Raise


Leg Ext


Captain Jacked supplements now available at PRS.  https://shop.powerrackstrength.com/collections/supplements


Bench Day

McGill Big 3

KB Swings

Push Ups

Floor Press

Bar x 20







Close Grips Pin Press




DB Incline




Skull Crushers




Side Laterals


Three good books to add to anyone’s library.



Deadlift Day

McGill Big 3

Goblet Squats

Belt Squats Close


Seated Rows


Chest Supported Rows


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Danny Bellmore

Danny has been involved in powerlifting since 1994. The first swing at a career was short lived due to a major back injury in 1999 that resulted in a 3-level spinal (lumbar) fusion. At that point, he took a 10-year break. Avoiding the gym all together because his body, and back, just never felt right. In 2010, Danny went to handle a good friend at a local meet. That experience re-ignited the fire within and he was back under the bar, never looking back. Danny established an elite total at my first meet back in 2010 and then accomplished a win at the 2012 APF Masters Nationals. Through his win at the APF Masters, he was training using the Conjugate Method, but he wanted a change. He needed a change. Danny reached out to a friend who stated that Brian and the Samson Barbell crew had it going on. In the process of connecting with Brian, he has endured a few setbacks. During our initial discussions, he had torn my rotator cuff and labrum, along with a separated AC joint. The surgery did not "take" and just nine months later, he was back under the knife for a "do-over." During the healing process, he had lost feeling and strength in my right arm. Being pig headed, he waited and waited. My choice to remain stubborn backfired, and I was back in the OR for another spinal (cervical) fusion. Now healed, and a few years under Brian, Danny’s total has moved to 1871 @ 165. He doesn’t like to predict or talk about goals, but he wants more, and feels like he has more. Plans now are to compete at the Senior Nationals in Jacksonville, Florida this June.
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