18 May Danny Vega – 3/18 back
Over the next several months I will be the Guinea pig for some new ideas on training and diet that I will perfect with the help of Tucker Loken and Brian Carroll. This will be the groundwork for an upcoming ebook that we will release in the near future.
[wa-wps]223.6 this morning…lost a few lbs after yesterday’s leg workout. Staying the course but if this continues I may get to enjoy a cheat meal this weekend. Not holding my breath, though.
Wide grip Lat pulldown 4×15,12,10,10 @140, 160, 180, 180
BB rows w straps 5×15,12,10,8,6 @205, 225, 245, 265, 285
I’ll Mix these up each week – this week I did them off the blocks. Next week maybe Yates rows
Single arm DB row 3×12,10,8 @110, 120, 130
Single arm cable pulldown 3×12,10,8 – Slow eccentric @120, 140, 160 different grips
Cable Lat pullover SS with Smith machine half racks. 3×12 on lat pullover @57.5, 67.5, 72.5, 3×8 on half racks @275, 295, 315
Machine rows 3×15,12,10 @145, 145, 160
15 min uphill walking

Danny Vega

Latest posts by Danny Vega (see all)
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