04 Apr Danny Vega – Powerbuilding Week 5 – Day 1 & 2
I just ran the Gasparilla half marathon on February 26th. I’m currently doing a 3 month powerbuilding block, with minimum running to keep a good base. I’m running the Savage Race in March for fun. The 10/20/Life Powerbuilding book should be out in the late spring/early summer.
[wa-wps]This week I tightened up a bit on my diet. Just cutting a little fat. Plus, I will soon be starting an extensive experiment with exogenous ketones. 8-10 weeks will be plenty of time to see what the effects are for fat burning, performance, and I’ll even get some blood work done to see the health benefits. Other than that, Thursday I’m going to ASPI (applied science and performance institute) here in Tampa to get my body fat tested by DXA scan. This place is a dream come true for someone like me and had it existed 10 years ago I’d probably be heavily involved. They work with athletes, bodybuilders, and they also are doing cutting edge research on keto for performance and filling in all the gaps when it comes to the science. Up until recently, most of the research has focused on disease states. So I’m beyond excited.
Training is going great, and I’m having fun. On my off days I’m doing targeted heart rate aerobic training. I basically cannot let my heart rate climb above 144 bpm. This has been challenging so far because every time I want to open up and run faster I start getting into the 160s and that’s counter productive to what I’m trying to do with this training. I think I’ll see some good fat burning coupled with increased endurance, and it won’t hamper my recovery due to its low impact nature.
Heres what I’ve done so far this week:
4 sec negatives, 60-90 sec rest. That fatigue builds quickly!
A. BB incline 135×15, 155×10, 185×8, 205×6, drop set 6 reps each at 205,185,155,135
B. DB flat bench 75×10, 75×8, drop set 6 reps each at 70,60,50,40
C. EZ bar curls 90×10, 100×8, drop set 6 reps each at 80,70,60,50
D. Hammer strength wide grip press 110×10, 120×8, drop set 8 reps each at 110,90,70,50
E. DB hammer curl 50×12, 55×10, drop set 8,6,6,6 at 40,30,25,20
F. Cable flyes with tempo changes 3×15@70
G. Abs
A. SSB squat 65×10, 155×6, 235×6, 3×6@315,335,355, 2×1@425
B. DB stiff leg deads 90×12, 100×10, drop set 6 reps each at 90,70,60,50
C1. DB lunges 3×15 each at 35, bw set of 20 each
C2. Standing calf raise 3×15@100, bw set of 25
D. Leg extensions and leg curls 70 total reps
E. Vacuums and stretching

Danny Vega

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