22 Apr Danny Vega – Powerbuilding Week 7 – Squats, Fluff & Buff
Over the next several months I will be the Guinea pig for some new ideas on training and diet that I will perfect with the help of Tucker Loken and Brian Carroll. This will be the groundwork for an upcoming ebook that we will release in the near future.
[wa-wps]Sometimes you make an adjustment (like increasing the carbs by 40 a day) and you end up getting leaner. It’s happened to me before and I’m not quite sure how, but some how I’m eating more calories and I’ve lost a pound or two. Same thing with Maura. Tucker sends us weekly adjustments and we follow them. I guess you could say it’s working.
Last two days have been good overall. Hit 415×12 pretty easily yesterday. Knee is sore today which I hate. I’m gonna definitely get PRP soon. I’ve heard nothing but great things about it.
Week 7 Squat
Long warm up
1. Squat 55×10, 145×5, 195×3, 235×3, 325×1, 365×4, 395×4, 415×12
2. KB goblet squats 3×10@53
3. GHR 3×10@25
4. Sled dragging: put the timer on for 30 minutes and started dragging. Started with 4 plates and loaded it to the top and then back down to 4 plates
Week 7 Fluff and buff
1. Machine lateral raise 5×15
2. Seated face pulls 3×15@85-100
3. Pull-ups x10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 7, 6, 6. 90 sec rest. I’m getting better at these than I was when I was a crossfitter
4. 1-arm cable extensions 3×25 each @50, 60, 70
5. EZ bar curls w tempo changes 3×15@70
6. Paused skull crushers 3×20-25

Danny Vega

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