27 Aug Danny Vega – Training Week of 8/21
Well, I didn’t let almost a month go by this time, but it’s been 2 weeks since my last log post. Progress. The week of 8/14 was a Deload week anyway.
I’m doing some different stuff with my training because I’m starting to really experiment with bodybuilding stuff, which I’ve never really done before. I’ve been a little bit scatterbrained with my training because of how incredibly crazy my life is right now. On most days, I am good about handling it, but certain times (like today, Sunday afternoon where I have a huge list if things to do) it can get a bit overwhelming. I also have a lot going on at work, which has been going on since the end of June. Diary entry over. This week’s training:
Day One
5 min stairmaster warmup
A1. Stir the pot x100
A2. Cable flye 5×15 with tempo changes
B1. Dips 4×10 1.5 reps -15 on Deload week
B2. 1-leg DB calf raise with stretch 4×15
C1. 3 sec eccentric pec dec 4×15
C2. BW calf raise 4×35
D. 4 sec eccentric Incline DB bench 4×8-10 (close to failure)
500m Row
Day Two
Deadlift/back and biceps
5 min stairmaster warmup
A1. 3 sec eccentric Preacher curl 5×10
A2. Seated calf raise 5×12
B1. Incline DB curl 4×12 each
B2. Peak squeeze Double arm DB row 4×12
C1. 3 sec eccentric mag grip pull down 4×10
C2. Peak squeeze Standing wtd calf raise 4×10
D. Deadlift 5×1 on Deload week
E. Fat grip pull-ups 2×8
100m row x2 with 2-3 min rest
Day Three
5 min stairmaster warmup
A1. Plank 4×60 sec
A2. 1.5 rep, 3 sec eccentric Cable triceps extensions 4×15
B1. 3 sec eccentric DB rear raise 4×15
B2. Calf burnout 45/35/25, 40/30/20, 35/25/15
C1. 3 sec eccentric Front + side raise 4×10 each
C2. Smith machine JM press 4×15
D. 3 sec eccentric Standing shoulder press 3×10
200m row x2 with 3-4 min rest
Day Four
HIIT and Incline leg raises with declining negatives 2×10 from 10-1 sec
1 min row max distance x2 with 4-5 min rest
Day Five
A1. Reverse sled drags 4 sets
A2. Wtd GHR 4×8
A3. Pull-ups 1xAMRAP
B1. Leg extension 4×15
B2. Leg curl 4×15
B3. Neutral grip pull-ups 1xAMRAP
C1. Squat 4×5-6
C2. 3 sec eccentric BB RDL 4×6
C3. Fat grip pull-ups 1xAMRAP
D. Stairmaster intervals
Day Six
Weak point (Shoulders and arms)
5 min stairmaster warmup
A1. DB Side raises 4×20
A2. EZ bar curls 4×25
A3. BB Skull crushers 4×25
B1. Upright row 4×20
B2. V bar cable extension 4×25
B3. 1 leg calf raise 4×25
C1. Cable curls with squeeze 4×20
C2. Face pulls 4×20
200m row
Rest 3-4 min
100m row

Danny Vega

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