Derek Wilcox: Strong(ish) Garagebell Chronicles 6-18-17 Tossing Things Like Marilyn Monroe and Training

I’m currently in my offseason and rehabbing my shoulders and looking to compete in the fall.

A fun but stressful week with two good days of training at around 80% effort. I was also throwing in the local highland games on this weekend. Really enjoying the throwing right now during this offseason!  The camaraderie in the games are second to none so if you’re looking for a fun experience in a pretty relaxed sport I would certainly suggest trying it.   

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Heavy Lower Day (Warm ups – Empty bar squats with wraps on quads/hams, rotational hip stretches, TFL stretch, bird dogs and shoulder mobility)
– Minimally Equipped Squats –  465 3×5 (miscounted on video)
These were nice and easy. Just putting in work in getting volume and hopefully set up for a good peak intensity week later on.

– Conventional Block Pull -500 3×5
Same as the squats

Spotted and helped others the rest of the time.


Heavy Upper Day (Warm ups – Empty bar squats, rotational hip stretches, TFL stretch, bird dogs and shoulder mobility)
– Bench Press –5×5 275lbs
These moved well and no complaints!

– Overhead Tri Ext – 5×5 135
A little discomfort in the left shoulder here.

–Barbell Face Pull – 5×5 65lbs

–DB Rows –5×5 120lbs
Real nice and easy
Later on that week I threw in Highland games that were and town. I managed to hit to PR’s on weight over bar and I believe the Braemar stone as well. I finished second overall to a very respectable thrower which I had no issue with. I was lucky to place that well after limited practice.



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Derek Wilcox

Derek Wilcox is a multi-faceted strength athlete currently living in Tennessee with his wife, Emily. He is studying at East TN State for Sport Physiology and Performance. He works through Renaissance Periodization as a Nutrition and Training Consultant and has an impressive personal list of strength accomplishments. Strongman since 2009, National Meet Qualifier in Weightlifting in 2009 at 94kg and 105kg. Class A Highland Games Athlete since 2009. Elite PL Totals at 165, 181, 198, and 220. Pro Totals in 181, 198, 220. All time WR Squat at 181 with a 935. Lightest to ever squat 1000 pounds doing it at 194 pounds. His best meet lifts are 1000 squat at 198, 565 bench at 220 and 725 deadlift at 220.
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