Derek Wilcox: Strong(ish) Garagebell Chronicles: Weightliffin and Truck Skinnin

On to a new training plan to make a run for another world record squat at the WPO Finals in November.  Planning to do some weightlifting and highland games in the meantime to get healthier and more flexible before going back into meet prep!

This was a good week of getting back into more athletic movements for the first time in quite a while.  It occurred to me after dealing with some muscle imbalance issue like IT band pain and other things that my normal offseason work is what has always helped me avoid these problems.  Working on flexibility and general movement in weightlifting and also for throwing have likely been laying a much better physical foundation for the heavier powerlifting oriented training than I thought.  After coming to this conclusion I decided to back up and punt on doing another PL meet in the spring and go back to my normal routine for offseason work and enjoyment.

Lower Day (Mobility Warm ups)
Front Squat 1-3×3 107
Push Jerk 1-3×3 85
Paused OH Squat 1-3×3 85
MTP From Knee (work on low scoop/knee angle) 1-3×3 120
SN Grip RDL 1-3×3 90
Dips 1-3×3 BW
Pull Ups BW
Lift Day
Snat ch 1-2×2 80
C+J 1-2×2 100

Here is this week’s update on the truck project.  Taking all of the body panels and lightening them up to reduce the overall weight of the truck.  Less weight+same power = go more faster!

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Derek Wilcox

Derek Wilcox is a multi-faceted strength athlete currently living in Tennessee with his wife, Emily. He is studying at East TN State for Sport Physiology and Performance. He works through Renaissance Periodization as a Nutrition and Training Consultant and has an impressive personal list of strength accomplishments. Strongman since 2009, National Meet Qualifier in Weightlifting in 2009 at 94kg and 105kg. Class A Highland Games Athlete since 2009. Elite PL Totals at 165, 181, 198, and 220. Pro Totals in 181, 198, 220. All time WR Squat at 181 with a 935. Lightest to ever squat 1000 pounds doing it at 194 pounds. His best meet lifts are 1000 squat at 198, 565 bench at 220 and 725 deadlift at 220.
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