Don’t be an Askhole

“Do you want my advice or are you just hoping I’ll tell you what you want to hear?”


Unfortunately, I’ve taken to asking people this question way too often.  This applies to more than just fitness but with so much information available, people will inevitably get distracted and are often left wondering which direction they should go.  I’ve noticed there are certain repeat offenders that will ask for advice and then when they find out it’s not to their liking, will not listen.  I refer to these people as “askholes”.  They’ll spend lots of time asking questions, prying for advice, and following none of it.  They’ll often rephrase their questions in such a way that you know they’re looking for a certain answer.  They’ll do this repeatedly.  Each time is a little different until finally, they’ll just ask straight up, “well, what do think about me doing this?”  Don’t do it and don’t ask me again.


I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve told someone not to do something.  I’ve told them that it’s a horrible idea, and only to have them come back some time later and say, “you know what, you were right.”  No shit, Sherlock! You’re damn right I was!  It took you getting hurt, wasting your time (and mine!), and/or being an idiot and disrespecting me to come to that conclusion.  You ask me (the expert) for my opinion and ignore it and then suddenly had an epiphany?  Quit being hard headed.  I’m not going to intentionally lead someone astray.  That’s not what I do.  That’s not who I am.  Especially if you reach out to me and ask for my advice.  Now, I won’t just randomly give out advice for reasons I’ve talked about in this article.  If, however, you’ve come to me and ask for my advice, there’s nothing that’ll piss me off more than wasting my time.  I’m the type of person that will take the time to explain why something should be done.  If I can’t explain why (or why not) something needs to be done, then I have no business suggesting it.  The “why” is more important than even the suggestion.  So, if I take the time to answer your question and explain why, then you had better have an outstanding reason why you’re not going to listen if you choose not to take my advice.


That look I give someone when I see them not following the advice they ask for.


The worst offenders are often some of the smartest.  They know enough to do a little reading and can be blinded by their own brilliance to not realize that they’re stepping outside of their expertise where they’re not as informed.  They can figure out where to get some information, but are quickly led down a rabbit hole.  “Well, so-and-so can do it.”  You’re not so-and-so.  Otherwise they would have already written articles about you.  The exceptions do not prove the rule.


I’ve been wrong many times.  My wife can attest to that.  I am right more often than wrong and especially in matters of fitness and strength.  My specialty is longevity and strength.  Especially when these two coincide.  Questions arise about creating a sustainable plan with routines designed for the long term and how things will work together in the end; this is what I do best.  When I’m asked about planning things that might have conflicting outcomes or produce results that might be less than desired, I want you to know why.  I really want you to know if you’ve come to me for help or advice.


Photo Credit:
The Oatmeal


I’m nice up to a point.  Sometimes to a fault.  Hence why I’ll take the time to explain my reasoning for the advice I give.  When you understand the why of it, it gives more meaning to the work you do and you’re not just half-heartedly following some bald meathead’s direction.  I do try to help, but after numerous times of giving out the same piece of advice only to have to reiterate it or watch as my advice is thrown aside and mistakes are made, I get a little pissy.  I live in the gym.  I spend my time reading more, talking to other professionals, or just straight up experimenting.  This is my job.  You don’t go to renowned chef ask for a recipe, only to do something completely different.  Then insult the chef when you go back and tell them that your recipe wasn’t as good as theirs.  Really, asshole?  They’ve spent years perfecting that recipe.  I think they know what works.  Fitness is the same.  I’ve worked with hundreds of athletes and clients over the years. I’ve made a ton of mistakes so you don’t have to.  I’ve seen others make mistakes so I don’t have to and I can pass on how not to repeat those same mistakes.  When I give advice, there’s over two decades of experience behind it.


Remember, you asked for my advice.  Someone who does this for a living.  Are there other ways of doing it?  Probably, but unlikely.  Are you going to know better than me?  Doubtful, but there is such thing as dumb luck.




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Low Country Strength

Will Kuenzel is the owner of Lowcountry Strength ( in Charleston, SC. Will started his athletic endeavors as a pole vault; finishing up his collegiate career with a best vault of 16’9” at a whopping 160lbs. He the track and field world to pursue bodybuilding, his first show in 2005, he won 1st place in Men’s Novice as a middle weight. One year later he took 2nd as a Men’s Junior heavy weight. Since 2007 he has been a competitive powerlifter and totaling elite as a 220lber. His best lifts in multiply equipment are a 710lbs squat, a 605lbs bench press, a 615lbs deadlift and a 1930 total. In 2008 Will started Lowcountry Strength out of his garage. Since then it has moved into a 16,000 sq/ft facility and shares space with a mixed martial arts studio. With all disciplines of powerlifting, strongman, MMA, jiu jitsu and other sports in the Charleston area getting trained under one roof, Will heads up the strength and conditioning for a wide variety of athletes and clients.
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