Getting a plan

I have 3 rules at my gym. #1 and most important, don’t be stupid.  Pretty self explanatory.  Don’t be an idiot.  Rule #2 is to have a plan.  If I don’t have a plan, inevitably rule #1 tends to get bent and broken.  My original plan had been to compete in Atlantic City with the rest of the team.  A series of unfortunate events made that impossible. So my competition plans were screwed.  Which screws up my off season. Which screwed up the rest of my year.  So for a couple weeks I’ve been training as if I had competed (and qualified for the Arnold).  Well, qualifying for the Arnold is the main goal, so all other side ideas have been pushed to the side until that happens.  The plan now is a meet in December to qualify.  My training will take a different direction but currently I’m still in the off season even for a December meet.


The crew of lifters I have preparing for the Oct 3rd meet in Rock Hill are all looking good.  They’re taking opener-ish (or slightly less than that) for doubles all this week.  Should have some good videos to post up soon.  Both raw and geared folks are all looking good.  I’m excited to see what they’ll be hitting in a few weeks.


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Low Country Strength

Will Kuenzel is the owner of Lowcountry Strength ( in Charleston, SC. Will started his athletic endeavors as a pole vault; finishing up his collegiate career with a best vault of 16’9” at a whopping 160lbs. He the track and field world to pursue bodybuilding, his first show in 2005, he won 1st place in Men’s Novice as a middle weight. One year later he took 2nd as a Men’s Junior heavy weight. Since 2007 he has been a competitive powerlifter and totaling elite as a 220lber. His best lifts in multiply equipment are a 710lbs squat, a 605lbs bench press, a 615lbs deadlift and a 1930 total. In 2008 Will started Lowcountry Strength out of his garage. Since then it has moved into a 16,000 sq/ft facility and shares space with a mixed martial arts studio. With all disciplines of powerlifting, strongman, MMA, jiu jitsu and other sports in the Charleston area getting trained under one roof, Will heads up the strength and conditioning for a wide variety of athletes and clients.
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