What’s your name, where do you live, what gym do you lift out of, and why do you train and compete?  

My name is Paul Oneid, I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and  I train at Dynamo Barbell Club, Canada’s strongest gym.  Training is and always has been fun for me and I use it as a way to challenge myself physically and mentally and translate the lessons learned into my personal and professional endeavors. 

Tell us your story -what brought you to this point where you are today:  

I started training to garner credibility from the athletes that I was training while interning at the University of South Florida.  I wanted to show them that I expected the same commitment from them as I did of myself. I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning specialist, Certified Exercise Physiologist and Certified Olympic Weightlifting Coach with 5 years’ experience as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at various NCAA Division 1, 1AA, Division 2 and CIS Universities.  

During my collegiate coaching stint, I earned Master of Science degrees in Exercise Science and Sports Management respectively. This opportunity allowed me to gain experience working with many current and past NFL, CFL, CIS, NHL, MLB, MLS, NLL and MLL players. While I no longer coach as a profession, I continue to coach clients of all kinds online. I work a day job as a functional rehabilitation specialist and have also started a tech company that is currently in the process of developing a mobile app. As you can see, I like to stay busy, but I always make time to spend with my fiancée Pam and our pups Meatloaf and Beefcake. 

What are your personal best lifts?  

Best squat is 805lbs in wraps and 716lbs in sleeves.  

Best bench is 440lbs. 

Best deadlift is 725lbs 

Best total is 1960lbs raw with wraps. 

Switching gears, but we will come back to the lifting aspect in a moment.  What are your interests outside of strength sports?  

Outside of strength sports, I focus a lot on my professional endeavors. With an app coming out soon, coaching online clients and some other consulting work, I don’t have much “free” time lately. I love taking my pups to the park and hanging out with my family. I am a simple man who is simply working way too much lately. 

What are 2 things you have learned over the last 2 years that have made you a better athlete and person?  

The last 2 years have been a period of great personal growth for me. The first lesson I learned is that you cannot force progress. You put the work in with as much effort as you can muster, but you must let the process work. You can only control what you can control.  The more the force things, the more they will push back.

Next, I learned that I am a much happier, productive and less stressed person when I do not allow others’ behavior effect my emotions and mood. Again, control what you can control.  This is an ongoing process for me and a skill I am learning to refine each day. Be the thermostat, not the thermometer.


What is the biggest mistake, or regret you have pertaining to training/competition?  

I know it’s corny, but I don’t regret much. The only thing that jumps out is my most recent decision not to drop out of a meet, resulting in me tearing my quad for the second time in a month. Otherwise, I would say that all the bad decisions I have ever made have allowed me to learn and become a better coach. It’s only a mistake, or a regret, if it happens more than once in my opinion. I learn quickly.  I hope that my mistakes can be used to teach others how to avoid the same pitfalls. 

Knowing what you do now, what would you go back and tell a younger version of you 10 years ago?  

Don’t test so often! When I was younger, I competed 5-7 times a year and maxed out multiple times a week. I simply loved everything about lifting heavy and it was a form of therapy for me. As a result, I am 30 years old and have had 2 surgeries and probably will need a couple more in the not-so-distant future. Use training to build your body and test only when it counts – on the platform. 

What do you bring to TeamPRS that you feel is unique?  

I feel that my education and experience are a unique asset to our team. I possess both a clinical/ theoretical framework of knowledge as well as the real word applicability of it in both team and strength sports.  

Who are your mentors/biggest influences-who do you look to for advice and help?  

I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing people in my professional life.

Jason McCullagh – Owner of Mettle Sports Training and great friend who gave me my start as a strength coach.

Todd Hamer – Head Strength Coach at Robert Morris University 

Jay Nera – Owner of Dynamo Barbell Club, business partner and friend. 

Shane Church –All-Time Top 20 Multiply lifter and friend.  

Brian Carroll – If you don’t know who he is, how did you find this? 

Susan and Joe Oneid – My incredible parents. 

In closing, name 2 things that few people know about you, unrelated to strength sports:  

I hated school. I continued my education simply to progress professionally.  I always got very good grades and was a gifted student, but close friends will tell you that I was very disruptive and most of my professors didn’t like me.  I am a bit of a smartass… I know, unbelievable right?!   

I am half Lebanese.  My father emigrated here from Lebanon when he was in his 20’s to escape the civil war. My mother provided me with white priviledge and for that I am forever grateful.

Make sure to watch for articles and weekly log posts from Paul Oneid each and every week on Oneid


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Paul Oneid

Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class. Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!
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