30 Oct Lab Rat – Off Season Week 2 & 3
I’m currently in an offseason training cycle after competing at RPS Redemption in Ft. Myers May 30th. I ended up lifting in the 275’s vs. the planned 242. I achieved a 1610lb total via 580 squat, 440 bench and 590 deadlift. Best numbers at 242 were 550, 425, 575 for 1550. I don’t have a meet on the horizon yet but there are several goals in mind.
The second round of offseason training is going great! Weights are moving with easy and I don’t feel beat up. Since week 1 was a fairly low RPE I decided to change the format of my 10 week offseason some. Instead of a deload every third week it will be every fourth week, the training sturcture will remain the same as the combo offsason training found in the book (top set of 4, top set of 3, etc.). The 10 week format is below:
- Top set of 5
- Top set of 4
- Top set of 3
- Deload
- Beat week 1
- Beat week 2
- Beat week 3
- Deload
- Heavy doubles (back in wraps)
- Test the waters (I’d like something in the neighborhood of my best comp lift)
With lower RPE’s I feel pushing another week before a deload becomes necessary isn’t an issue, as my training recap below shows it worked well for weeks 1-3. I’ll let week 6 determine if week 7 is a deload or another hard push.
Squat / Deadlift – October 17
Usual warmup – McGill Big 3, KB swings, couple sets with an empty bar
Squats (safety bar, box just above parallel)
- 2 x 5 w/ 165
- 255 x 4
- 355 x 4
- 385 x 4
Deadlifts (2″ block)
- 2 x 4 w/ 245
- 335 x 4
- 425 x 4
- 455 x 4
Bench – October 19
Typical warmup – light shoulder/rotator work, band flys
- 2 x 5 w/ 135
- 2 x 4 w/ 225 (2 board added)
- 275 x 4
- 315 x 4
- 345 x 4
Close grip bench (shoulder saver) 3 x 8 w/ 275
Band Fly – 100 reps
Squat / Deadlift – October 24
Usual warmup – McGill Big 3, goblet squats, couple sets with an empty bar
Squats (safety bar, box just above parallel)
- 2 x 5 w/ 165
- 2 x 3 w/ 255
- 355 x 3
- 395 x 3
Deadlifts (2″ block)
- 2 x 4 w/ 245
- 335 x 3
- 425 x 3
- 475 x 3
Bench – October 26
Typical warmup – light shoulder/rotator work, band flys
- 2 x 5 w/ 135
- 2 x 4 w/ 225 (2 board added)
- 275 x 3
- 315 x 3
- 345 x 3
- 365 x 3
Incline d/b – 4 x 8
Band Fly – 100 reps
Bench dips – 60 reps
Squat / Deadlift Accessory – October 28
McGill Big 3
McGill Chins (alternating grip) – 30
D/B row – 4 x 12
D/B shrug – 4 x 15
Leg press – 5 x 20
Hammer curl – 4 x 12
Jason Kowalewski
Latest posts by Jason Kowalewski (see all)
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