06 Sep LCS 7 Weeks Out, Session 1
Tuesday 9-6-2016
The whole LCS team is in full on meet prep for the RPS Revenant Rising in Wilmington, NC on October 29th at the Hybrid Athlete Mission. We’ve got several signed up already with maybe a few more coming later.
This will be a wonderful meet get signed up early if you’re interested. It’ll sell out quick. If you need any help, reach out to me or anybody else on my team. We’ll be there in force.
The past couple weeks have been wild. Training is reaching into the fun weeks. We’re past the initial 10 and 9 weeks intro of meet prep. Fresh off the 8 weeks out deload we’re getting ready to crank it up for a few weeks. Still keeping intensity in the gym relatively low while ramping up the percentages. I’m not a big believer in going balls out during training. If you need to get amped up for 80-85% then it’s not 80%. Once, maybe twice, in training do we let loose.
As we get heavier, here’s what the folks are looking at:
Bench Day
Warm Up
farmers walk: 2×30 yards
bird dogs: 3×10
rolling planks: 2×10
Glute bridge: 3×10
Bench Press: 85% for 3×2
Raw folks are to touch.
Shirted group does the first set to a 2bd. Next 2 sets are a 2bd -> 1bd
CG RB Bench: 2bd for 3×3
Bench < 200 use monster minis
200-400 use light bands
+400 use greens
tricep choice: 4×8
w/ 90 second rest interval
incline db press: 2×12
w/ 90 second rest interval
Band chest flyes: 3×25
w/ 90 second rest interval
Band pressdowns: 3×25
w/ 90 second rest interval
Low Country Strength
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