05 Jun Lisa Guggisberg: Offseason Death VIA VOLUME
I am currently in offseason mode with plans on competing at the WPO in November 2018. I recently competed at the Women’s Pro Am in April.
I have been busy lately as travel baseball is in full swing for my oldest son. That takes up a good amount of time running him to practices and tournaments but I am making it work.
Still squatting and benching 3 x a week, still alive.
Saturday Squats/Pulls
Warm Up
- McGill Big 3
- Goblet squats
- Banded side walks
Squat work:
Elbow and biceps have been giving me some pain so I pulled out chambered bar
- Bar 2 x 10
- 125 x 5
- 175 2 x 5
- 195 5 x 5
- 215 3 x 5
Deadlift Work:
Working on sumo form. I would love to figure this out as my pull would be about 3” with my height.
- 225 3 x 5
- 265 3 x 3
- 285 2 x 3
Accessory work:
- Walking lunges 3 x 200m
- Bulgarian split squats
- Single leg RDL
Bench Work
Warm up:
- Pull aparts
- McGill Big 3
- Single Arm KB swings
- Bar 3 x 10
- 95 x 5
- 135 3 x 5
- 145 3 x 5
- 185 3 x 3 to 2 board
Accessory Work:
I’ve cut back a lot of bicep work like hammer curls etc. to let the elbow heal or as Brian would say, stop picking the scab.
- DB Shoulder press 3 x 12
- Side/Front raises 4 x 12
- DB flies 4 x 12
- Incline DB press 4 x 12
- DB Floor press 4 x 12
Other than my left bicep and elbow, everything is feeling well and I am not too beat up from the volume.
I talked Jonathan Byrd and we are going to work together to put together a program for WPO meet prep. We are thinking of getting me into gear a little early with lighter weight, keeping the volume and then transiting to heavier weight as the meet gets closer.
Latest posts by Lisa Guggisberg (see all)
- Lisa Guggisberg: Offseason Bench Day - July 16, 2018
- Lisa Guggisberg: TRYING OUT NEW INZER PREDATOR BRIEFS - July 5, 2018
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