09 Mar LowCountryStrength Week 6, Session 1
Lowcountry Strength is currently in our off season training. Lots of different things going on right now. I’ve moved the group into a higher volume phase while I’m working with Zane Geeting for my training. Pretty cool to see quite a few different things happening for all the folks here.
As always, a big thanks to Inzer Advance Designs and Captain Jacked for their continued support of TeamPRS.
Shirt work in my 52 SDP:
2bd: 3 doubles at RPE 7
505×2 x2, 535×2 (last 2 sets shows on video)
Still in shirt, same 52 SDP
3board and 3 sets of chain: 3×3 at RPE 7
465×3 x3sets (I did pull the chain a little more off the floor each successive set)
Dips: bwx10, +25×10, +45×10 x2, +25×10
Wide grip pulldowns: 5 sets of 8
Side laterals and face pulls: 4 sets of 15 each
First time I stayed in this shirt the whole time. Arms still need a bit more space but hands weren’t going to sleep. Just pain at the elbow/forearm area where the shirt was tight around the joint. It eased off enough every set that I felt okay to keep going. I didn’t get this shirt pulled down as deep as the 54 but without getting it too jacked, there’s a bit more to play with the sleeves and I did this session. Next time, I’ll keep it the same but work on getting the sleeves right. I’m not quite back up to full bore with my benching but this session gave me really good hope that it’s just around the corner. I’ll bench 600 again before the end of the year.

Low Country Strength

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