MDLP: Changes Going Forward

My ambition will always been my best and worst attribute. I would say that my ambitious nature and will to win will always dance on the line of making bad decisions or at times, become complacent in being judicious with my athletic choices. Now this is fancy shmancy talk for “ I thought I could be my old self again” and my body said no. The bitter sweet realization that an old version of myself needed to die hit abruptly last week.

As I started to eat and train harder for the qualifier, I decided to attain my former weight of 255# again, as it would help in these mostly static and heavy movements. No big deal right? I mean I used to walk around at this weight all the time. Obviously not as lean as some of the pretty strongman you see on social media nowadays but at the time “rhino thicc” was in. That compounded with the idea that watching the world cup and enjoying a few extra beers in the month of July is ok, lead me down a very sobering path. I woke up last week with some very real sciatic discomfort and a beautiful wake up call. As I took another birds eye view, realized  some things needed to change, permanently.

The extra weight was doing me no good since some of it was not lean muscle, the years of doing strongman and carrying extra weight were no longer going to serve me in my new journey, and the extra drinks were going to have to take a real back seat. Please believe me when I say that I am not always proud of burning the candle on both ends but I also don’t paint myself a saint. This is another reason why I am so hard on my lifters, because I know I need a swift kick in the ass on a weekly basis sometimes. After having a great conversation with Brian, and a reminder of what being a 24/7 athlete is all about, I hunkered down once more to analyze my path.

Current De Load week(s): (took 2 weeks off from spine loading on counsel from Brian)

  • Walk x 10 mins (2 x daily)
  • Big 3 (Russian pyramid 5,4,2 done 2 x daily)
  • Nerve Flossing 1 x 10/10 (mid afternoons)
  • Hip Airplane 3 x 5/5 ( 1 x daily)
  • Band TKE 3×20/20 ( 1 x daily)
  • Slow and Steady Push ups 5×10 (1 x daily only if discomfort free)
  • Read more Gift of Injury and Back Mechanics


In comparison to my last training analysis, this one took a harder look at my external habits, practices, and goals. I enjoy having some mass on my side and after a year of bird dogs only, I honestly missed it. But as my spine would have it, unless I am a solid 245, I can no longer carry that weight. Enjoying a few drinks on the weekend is something I will always do but no longer at the expense of my body mass or to cause too much inflammation. On top of that, being a gym owner and coach absolutely drains your body and your mind and these are some things I continue to have to regulate in my life. With Florida’s strongest man still the current goal, it is time to hunker down, lean out and close the door on most social situations. Coming back form 2 major injuries has taken a lot from me but what I’ve lost in some physical capabilities I have gained back in determination and will. The Way is a path seldom walked, not because of its isolation or difficulty (although they play a role) but rather, because most are too proud to admit when they have veered off. All warriors are one step away from finding their focus and marching forward. Be the sword or be the scabbard, you cannot be both.  

Never Stray from The Way


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Michael “MDLP” De La Pava is currently a competitive Strongman and owner of The Battle Axe Gym. Born in Miami, Florida into a Colombian household, Michael finished his schooling by attending Penn State University where he graduated with a Degree in Psychology. Having his roots in martial arts, he would go on to compete in various sports as a Muay Thai fighter, Powerlifter, and rugby player before committing himself fully to Strongman. During this time, he opened Miami’s first Strongman gym, The Battle Axe, where he currently coaches athletes from various disciplines including powerlifting, MMA fighters, Strongman, officers of multiple authorities and enlisted and active military operators. Competing in Strongman for over 6 years has given Michael the opportunity to rank as high as 15th in the nation (105kg), won Florida’s Strongest man (1st in 2014 and 2nd in 2015 in the 105kg class), lift and load a 420 pound Atlas stone, log press 335, pull 700, and most importantly, share the competitive battlefield with some of the best in the game. During this journey, Michael suffered what some would consider a potentially career-ending spine injury. It was at this time that Brian and Michael would begin working together to not only rehab his spine, allowing him to return to Strongman but also develop a new Strongman training program revolving around the 10/20 philosophy. Strongman and coaching have given Michael the opportunity to travel around the nation and the world to train, coach and be coached, as well as share ideas with various leaders in the strength community. Michael’s experience and network in strongman brings a welcome connection with the ever-growing sport of Strongman to the 10/20 team and PRS family.

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