MDLP: Does Legs

In classic holiday and bah humbug fashion, I got sick. I have been burning the candle at both ends and it finally caught up to me. I can’t say I didn’t deserve it but hey, we all need to take it for what its worth and keep going. The good thing about being on a body building split is that being sick does not completely kill my training days as I can simply lower the intensity or volume and still get great blood into the muscle. As I slowly start to evolve my current meso cycles, I am starting to enjoy the change in my body composition. Clearly I am not in Southern States shape but I am most certainly seeing some size in muscles that I have been neglecting both due to injury and getting ready for strongman.

With my back settling into place after pushing the limits 3 weeks ago, I am starting to slowly introduce volume into my lower body days. I took time off from leg volume due to knee pain and I did not want to risk my spine on a squat when the priority was implement training. I have a clear understanding of what I was lacking during Floridas Strongest and my conditioning was something I felt needs work. Aside from injuries slowing that down, I could definitely feel the lack of muscle endurance that at one point was my strength. So aside from putting on some  mass in my lagging muscles, I am also focused on re-introducing volume to my legs while keeping pristine form and mind/muscle connection as the ultimate goal.

My approach to squatting is to stay with the front squat during these next meso cycles because of its benefit for strongman, quad growth and less damage on my spine. After almost 2 years of avoiding volume work for obvious reasons, it is with a sick masochistic delight that I enjoyed this weeks leg workout. No one truly enjoys sets of 10 but I suppose it was a feeling of nostalgia and hopping into old shoes as volume work was always one of my favorites. With thirst trap filming on hand and some great pre workout, this workout was a killer. Try it and let me know how much you hate yourself haha!

Warm Up:

  • Big 3
  • TKE 3×20/20
  • Goblet Squats 3×10
  • Single leg RDL 2×10/10
  • T Spine Stretch 4×5/5

Work Load:

  • Front squat 5×10
  • Barbell Lunges 4×10/10
  • Single Leg RDL 410/10
  • Banded Monster Walks 4x50ft
  • Banded Leg ext 1×100
  • Seated Banded Leg Curls 1×100
  • Stir the Pot 3×25/25

Never Stray from the Way


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Michael “MDLP” De La Pava is currently a competitive Strongman and owner of The Battle Axe Gym. Born in Miami, Florida into a Colombian household, Michael finished his schooling by attending Penn State University where he graduated with a Degree in Psychology. Having his roots in martial arts, he would go on to compete in various sports as a Muay Thai fighter, Powerlifter, and rugby player before committing himself fully to Strongman. During this time, he opened Miami’s first Strongman gym, The Battle Axe, where he currently coaches athletes from various disciplines including powerlifting, MMA fighters, Strongman, officers of multiple authorities and enlisted and active military operators. Competing in Strongman for over 6 years has given Michael the opportunity to rank as high as 15th in the nation (105kg), won Florida’s Strongest man (1st in 2014 and 2nd in 2015 in the 105kg class), lift and load a 420 pound Atlas stone, log press 335, pull 700, and most importantly, share the competitive battlefield with some of the best in the game. During this journey, Michael suffered what some would consider a potentially career-ending spine injury. It was at this time that Brian and Michael would begin working together to not only rehab his spine, allowing him to return to Strongman but also develop a new Strongman training program revolving around the 10/20 philosophy. Strongman and coaching have given Michael the opportunity to travel around the nation and the world to train, coach and be coached, as well as share ideas with various leaders in the strength community. Michael’s experience and network in strongman brings a welcome connection with the ever-growing sport of Strongman to the 10/20 team and PRS family.

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