12 Jun Paul Oneid – Chain Gang Squats
I am currently in a VERY long off-season. Mentally and physically, I need a break. I’ll have lots on the go the next few months business wise, not to mention that I will be getting married, so this is the perfect time to enjoy an off-season. I am still working with Jon Byrd for my training and Tucker for my diet and feel stronger than ever. My next meet will be the EPC (IPL) Finals December 9, 2017 up here in Montreal, QC. I’ll be lifting knee sleeves only, at 220lbs.
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Really happy with squats on this day. I was still sore from deadlifting when I woke up, but after a nice walk by the water with Meatloaf and Beefcake, I loosened up and felt like my body was ready. I have definitely made a lot of progress this off-season, so far. The weights are climbing, I had to take my lever belt down a hole, and my work capacity is awesome. I actually cannot remember when it was as good as it is now. All good things!
One thing that has become glaringly evident is how much my back gets worked with the SSB and conventional deadlifting together. I find that I can manage the squatting volume, but as the loads are increasing, I have to underload the deadlift slightly. I am going to make that adjustment this week. While you might think, “Oh that’s such a cop out!” the reality is that using the SSB on the squat acts as an accessory to my deadlift. That means I get the stimulus for a stronger back twice each week and I can back off the deadlifting to still get the same gains, bro. That is called intuitive programming! Part of me is ready to switch over to the straight bar soon, but honestly I kinda want to see how far I can push the SSB. I am still 26 weeks away from my next meet, so there is no rush. 16 more weeks of offseason! I am just going to keep building and see how much improvement I can make. I will definitely bring my strongest self to the 220lbs class.
- SSB with chains – 5×3 RPE 7-8
- Cambered bar, paused – 5×5 RPE 5
- Walking lunges – 3x16steps
- KB Swings – 3×10
- SL RDL – 3x12ea
- Stir the pot – around 200? I lost count, but did a couple of sets to failure
The same warm-up was performed everyday:
- Hip circle – 200 steps
- Supine alternating hip hikes – x30 total
- Assisted box get ups x10-15ea
- Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
- Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
- McGill Big-3
- On Upper days (1-2 rounds)
- Band dislocations – x20
- Band Pull aparts – x20
- Mace Swings – lots
- Pushups with scap protraction – x15
- T-Spine mobilization – 5x5sec holds
- On Lower Days (1-2 rounds)
- TKE Iso-hold – 10x5sec
- Single leg RDL – x15ea
- Hip Airplanes – x15ea
- Bulgarian Split Squat – x15ea
- Goblet Squat – x15

Paul Oneid

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