28 Apr Paul Oneid – Deadlifts with Stuart
My first trip to the Arnold as a pro was less than stellar. I am learning that in order to win, there are a lot of intangible qualities that you don’t learn unless you compete on the big stage. Sometimes you just need to step out of the backyard. For now, I am heading into a long off-season and will continue to work with Byrd and Tucker. I am the biggest and strongest I have ever been and I am looking forward to building on that over the next few months. My next meet will be December, 2017 in knee sleeves.
If you look really closely, you can see a trend here – Byrd thinks my lockout is weak. I can break almost any weight off the ground, the problem is that I lose positioning and can’t engage my glutes above the knee. That is the big focus on the deadlift this off season. This session was tough. Pauses for sets of 5 really crush your soul, let me tell you! The offseason is where you need to attack movements and do things you suck at. If it makes you uncomfortable, awkward and forces you to use weights much lighter than you’d like, it is probably something you need to be doing. Leave the heavy weights for meet prep and take a bite of humble pie. My clients know this feeling!
- Pause DL – 5×5, 3 sets RPE 7
- Beltless 6″ block deadlift – 5×2, speed emphasis
- Pendlay Rows – 5×5
- DB Row – 4×10
- Lat Pulldown – 3×10
- Facepulls – 3×20 ss/ straight arm pulldown – 3×20
Speaking of my clients….
It is also humbling to train movements you suck at, while your client is peaking for a meet and using almost 200lbs more than you, lol. I started training Stu in the fall. He did his first meet in June and since then, he has dedicated himself to improving his total. He trusts the process and he doesn’t push the envelope. Clients like that make it easy. He will be competing at 275, raw with wraps at CPF (WPC) Nationals June 3rd. This session was his heaviest deadlift day of the cycle. The weight is 655, just under a 2nd attempt. It just so happens to be a 55lbs PR.
The same warm-up was performed everyday:
- Hip circle – 200 steps
- Supine alternating hip hikes – x30
- Side lying clams – x20ea
- Lateral leg raise – x20ea
- Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
- Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
- Big 2 (bird dog/ mcgill situps)
- TKE Iso-hold – 10x5s
- On upper days
- Band dislocations – 2×20
- Band Pull aparts – 2×20
- Mace Swings – lots
- Pushups with scap protraction – 2×15
- T-Spine mobilization – 2×5 holds
- On Lower Days
- Single leg RDL – 2x15ea
- Hip Airplanes – 2x15ea
- Bulgarian Split Squat – 2x15ea
- Goblet Squat – 2×15

Paul Oneid

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