Paul Oneid – Jumbo Day

My first trip to the Arnold as a pro was less than stellar. I am learning that in order to win, there are a lot of intangible qualities that you don’t learn unless you compete on the big stage. Sometimes you just need to step out of the backyard. For now, I am heading into a long off-season and will continue to work with Byrd and Tucker. I am the biggest and strongest I have ever been and I am looking forward to building on that over the next few months.




This Jumbo Day at the end of the week is killer.  Nothing is over an RPE 5, but the amount of work is tough.  Byrd and I will be revamping things to take a more traditional off-season approach after this deload, but I really enjoyed how quickly my fitness came back doing what we did.

This day provides a lot of practice.  On the squat, I am still figuring out what feels best.  I felt like my hand position felt better, but I couldn’t quite figure out where my feet felt best.  In the video, they are set about 2″ too wide.  On the deadlift, I had to get away from sumo because of my hip shift, so I opted for a stiff leg deadlift.  I love these for trashing your whole posterior chain.  On the bench, I worked on some cues from Paul Key and pressed against the bar during the unrack and tried to exaggerate my leg drive (which admittedly still sucks).  Its all a work in progress.

Jumbo Day

  1. Squat – 6×3, RPE 5
  2. Stiff leg DL – 5×5 RPE 5
  3. Paused Bench – 5×5 RPE 5
  4. Superset – Front raise, Laterals, Incline External rotations – 3×15/15/25
  5. Superset – Hammer Curls/ Pressdowns – 3x20ea
  6. Superset – Single Arm Preacher curls/ Single Arm Pressdowns – 3x20ea

The same warm-up was performed everyday:

  • Hip circle – 200 steps
  • Supine alternating hip hikes – x30
  • Side lying clams – x20ea
  • Lateral leg raise – x20ea
  • Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
  • Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
  • Big 2 (bird dog/ mcgill situps)
  • TKE Iso-hold – 10x5s
  • On upper days
    • Band dislocations – 2×20
    • Band Pull aparts – 2×20
    • Mace Swings – lots
    • Pushups with scap protraction – 2×15
    • T-Spine mobilization – 2×5 holds
  • On Lower Days
    • Single leg RDL – 2x15ea
    • Hip Airplanes – 2x15ea
    • Bulgarian Split Squat – 2x15ea
    • Goblet Squat – 2×15


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Paul Oneid

Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class. Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!
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