Paul Oneid – Paused Pullin’

I am currently in a VERY long off-season.  Mentally and physically, I needed a break and will have lots on the go the next few months business wise, not to mention that I will be getting married.  I am still working with Jon Byrd for my training and Tucker for my diet and feel stronger than ever.  My next meet will be the EPC (IPL) Finals December 9, 2017 up here in Montreal, QC. I’ll be lifting knee sleeves only at 220lbs.




To say that training is rolling right now would be an understatement.  The weights are climbing and my technique on all 3 lifts is improving.  I am no where near where I want to be, but I am doing all the little things I need to do to improve.  The biggest change was that I needed to put my ego aside.  What does that mean?  Well, the first step was to ask for help on the bench and to completely retool my set up.  Second was to stop worrying about the bar weight on the deadlift and focus on hammering my positions every single rep.  There are no more wasted reps in my training.  Every single one has an intent.  Finally, switching away from a heeled shoe on the squat.  While seemingly insignificant, these 3 changes have yielded almost immediate dividends.  Stepping outside your comfort zone and getting rid of your safety blanket is the key to making any notable headway in lifting and in life.

The focus today was all about my lats.  I have noticed that as I fatigue, I let my shoulders come forward as the bar leaves the floor.  This forces me to try to rely on the speed I can create through my quads and glutes to speed through the lockout portion of the lift.  Upper back has been a big focus, and will continue to be this off-season.  The work is definitely paying off.  Not only are the weights moving up, but my position is getting better every week.  I also think not deadlifting on my deload weeks is making a big difference, but we shall see.  Bodyweight down slightly to 240, but some recent adjustments Tucker made to the diet have felt really good and that number should start to come down a bit in the coming weeks.  I would like to be about 230lbs before we start meet prep/ so I can be jacked at my wedding.  Priorities, right!?!


  1. Paused deadlift – 5×5, 3 at RPE7 (up 10lbs from last, 30lbs overall)
  2. 6″ block pull – 5×2, focus on wedge and speed (up 20lbs from last)
  3. BB Row – 5×5
  4. DB Row – 3x10ea
  5. Lat Pulldown – 3×12
  6. Facepulls – 3×25


The same warm-up was performed everyday:

  • Hip circle – 200 steps
  • Supine alternating hip hikes – x30 total
  • Assisted box get ups x10-15ea
  • Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
  • Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
  • McGill Big-3
  • On Upper days (1-2 rounds)
    • Band dislocations – x20
    • Band Pull aparts – x20
    • Mace Swings – lots
    • Pushups with scap protraction – x15
    • T-Spine mobilization – 5x5sec holds
  • On Lower Days (1-2 rounds)
    • TKE Iso-hold – 10x5sec
  • Single leg RDL – x15ea
  • Hip Airplanes – x15ea
  • Bulgarian Split Squat – x15ea

Goblet Squat – x15

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Paul Oneid

Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class. Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!
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