29 Jun Paul Oneid – Squatting, benching and handling
I am currently in a VERY long off-season. Mentally and physically, I need a break. I’ll have lots on the go the next few months business wise, not to mention that I will be getting married, so this is the perfect time to enjoy an off-season. I am still working with Jon Byrd for my training and Tucker for my diet and feel stronger than ever. My next meet will be the EPC (IPL) Finals December 9, 2017 up here in Montreal, QC. I’ll be lifting knee sleeves only at 220lbs.
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Spent the weekend down in Hartford, CT to coach up my boy Justin Grygas. I have been working with Justin for just over a year now and we have added well over 100lbs to his total. He is as hard a worker as they come, but more important than that, he recognizes that this is a long road and he doesn’t rush things. He is a father and a partner first and a lifter second. His shift work lifestyle has never been an issue for our training, even with forced overtime because we have adapted our 10/20/Life approach to allow him to recover and not neglect the important things in his life. He shows you can make progress and maintain balance. That being said, when it is time to turn it on, this guy gets to another level.
While this weekend didn’t go as planned, I have no doubt he will be back in action to redeem those PR’s he missed out on and more. After squatting a very smooth 45lbs PR on his third attempt, the bar slid down his left shoulder. He injured it bad enough that he couldn’t bench, the lift that he was most confident in during prep. We took a token lift to allow him to deadlift. Things went great on attempt 1 and 2, but we were a tad aggressive with the attempt selection on the third. We wanted 650, he prepped for 650, but based on his second I didn’t have confidence 650 would be there. Now, I wanted to call for 635, but I didn’t want him to be deflated. It had been a long day. We decided on 640 and he pulled with everything he had. Fought for a legit 5seconds at the knee, but just couldn’t get the bar to move. It drifted away from him and he lost it.
You learn more from your failures than you do your successes. We had a solid talk and honestly, had the bar not slipped at the top of the squat, the day would have gone completely different. It was out of his control. The training was not wasted and we will gear up for a meet in October stronger than ever. Thank you for bringing me down, Justin and thanks to you and Shannon for being great hosts.
My own training is getting kinda fun. This will be the last couple weeks on the SSB, before switching back to the squat bar. I don’t think my squat has ever felt this strong. I am trying to be realistic, but I feel very confident in my ability to squat some big weights in sleeves very soon.
As for the bench, it is another story. It feels like I am benching in molasses. The weights are moving, but I have zero pop. Upon review, I have been doing a really poor job of driving through my heels. This is likely robbing a lot of my power off the chest. My lift out and upper body positions feel greatly improved, but the lower body needs to be dialled back in. If you watch the video closely, you can see my heels rise while the bar is on my chest.
- SSB – 5×3, 3 sets RPE 7
- Front Squats – 5×5, RPE 5
- GHR – 3×8
- Walking lunges – 3x20steps
- Bench – 5×3, 3sets RPE 7
- 2 board – 4×1, RPE 8
- DB Press – 3×8
- Pressdowns – 100reps
The same warm-up was performed everyday:
- Hip circle – 200 steps
- Supine alternating hip hikes – x30 total
- Assisted box get ups x10-15ea
- Single leg glute bridge – x10ea
- Glute bridge iso hold – x:30s
- McGill Big-3
- On Upper days (1-2 rounds)
- Band dislocations – x20
- Band Pull aparts – x20
- Mace Swings – lots
- Pushups with scap protraction – x15
- T-Spine mobilization – 5x5sec holds
- On Lower Days (1-2 rounds)
- TKE Iso-hold – 10x5sec
- Single leg RDL – x15ea
- Hip Airplanes – x15ea
- Bulgarian Split Squat – x15ea
- Goblet Squat – x15

Paul Oneid

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