10 Mar Paul Oneid – XPC Write-Up
It has taken me a few attempts to sit down and write this meet report. Quite honestly, I have a lot of emotions about the weekend and my performance. On one hand, I am disappointed because of how poorly I lifted, but on the other hand, I am beyond grateful for this team and the selflessness of each and every person, and I am so thankful to have the support system I have. I will come back stronger and more prepared and I will display the work that I put in.
Pam and I started our trip off on a bad note. I bought a new car the previous week and since then, I had been to the dealership 5 times. 45 minutes into our drive, we had a nail in our tire, so it was back to the dealer because they had forgotten to check it like I had asked. It got taken care of and we were on our way about 3hrs delayed. We stopped along the way at Crossfit Queen St. in Kingston so Pam could train. It was a nice break and I used it to mobilize as well. My body hates long car rides. After the break, we rolled through to Pam’s aunt and uncle’s place. They had dinner made for us when we got there. They were amazing!
We woke up the next morning and hit the road early, arriving in Columbus around 2pm. In total, with the delay, it was about a 16hrs drive. We got settled in and went to Columbus Weightlifting Company to move around and loosen up. Thanks to Chico Cloyne for hooking us up. CLC is a phenomenal facility and Pam was able to get all her training and Open WODs done over the weekend, which was a huge relief. After that, it was off to dinner with the team.
Weight Management
My weight during the training cycle fluctuated a tad, and I got up to my heaviest of about 255lbs. A week out, with a decrease in training volume and frequency, I was down to about 248lbs. To make weight, I simply did a water load as per the “Cutting weight Ebook” and cut my carbs back a tad. I ended up over-cutting and weighing in at 237.5lbs. I was worried about the 3pm weigh-in and didn’t eat/ drink enough the last 24hrs. Even at the team dinner, I just had a steak and some rice, with only 1 glass of water. Live and learn. Before any one says anything, my performance was not affected by this and my body felt great on meet day.
After weigh-in, Lisa and Todd drove over to our hotel (while Lisa was recomping, I might add) to hook up an IV for me. After the IV, a ton of food and over a gallon of fluid, I was back up to 252lbs. I continued to eat and drink all day on meet day and weighed in for fun at 254lbs.
Meet Day
I have to say that I learned a ton watching the team compete. Dan had one hell of a day, going 8/9. Lisa got the bad end of some close calls, but made no excuses and maintained her positivity. Byrd, Wilcox and Dain joined the bomb squad, but were still all smiles and stuck around. Lastly, Bossman did what he does and manufactured another Arnold win. Champions do what they do, no matter the circumstances, but more on that later.
The start time of my session was pushed back about an hour and a half. I adjusted fine to this and squat warm-ups went really well, but even in the warm-up room I was having a few issues finding my balance with my unrack in the mono. This was an issue in training, and it reared its head on the platform.
Squat Warm-ups –
Pam, Todd, Lisa, Channing, DD, Pegg, Byrd, Danny, Zane and Tuesday all stuck around to help me. It was a sea of white shirts surrounding the monolift and we took over. I have never witnessed this much support. I was in awe of it. Also, it should be noted that the “5 Greatest Wrappers of All-Time” are all Channing Doyle. That dude just about cut my leg off! I may fly him up to wherever my next meet is LOL.
bar x15, plate x10, 245 x5, 335×3, 425×2, 515×1, add wraps 605×1, someone tore their quad, so I took 605 again, and then 695 for a final fast single.
Attempts –
765 – Good, but had a balance issue
815 – No good. forward on the un-rack and cut it high to not fall. This was close, but I am glad they didn’t give it to me. It was high and I knew it.
Chose to go 830 for my total. This was the right move strategically, but I lost my balance backwards over correcting for my previous miss. None of the weights felt heavy, but that doesn’t matter if you can’t stay on your feet.
Now, I could make the excuse that the floor was squishy and slanted, or the monolift had 6” of sway to it, but guess what? Every other lifter had the same equipment to lift on. I couldn’t adjust and it ended my quest for 2k. I did my best to salvage my day, but I knew that a PR was out of the question. Champions adjust and I couldn’t overcome it. I am going to learn from this moving forward and make the adjustments I need to.
Bench Warm-Ups
Pam, DD and Todd handled me on the bench. We babied my pec here, but it wasn’t bothering me at all. My feet were slipping a ton though, so Dan and Todd got some spray glue and all was good. I knew I might be able to take a crack at a PR as soon as I took my last warm-up.
Bar x20, 100×20, 140×10, 190×5, 230×3, 280×1, 320×1, 370×1
400 – Good. Felt awesome actually. Made the choice to go for a 5lbs PR.
435 – Miss 2” from lockout. It was worth a shot, but the strength wasn’t there. I only benched to the chest 2 times in 6 weeks before the meet, so I wasn’t too disappointed.
Passed on my third to not push the pec.
Now, my only goal was to PR my deadlift. It was past 10pm, but I knew my pull was the strongest part of my training leading to the meet. I wanted something positive to end with. I felt I had earned it.
Deadlift Warm-ups
Pam, Lisa, DD and Todd helped me with everything I needed, JP Carroll told me to put my shirt back on because I made him feel fat and my pull felt snappy, so all was lining up for what I needed.
135×5, 225×3, 315×1, 405×1, 495×1, 585×1
660 – Speed pull. In fact, it came off the ground so fast that it caught me a bit off guard. I felt great for a PR and we took a big jump to 735 for a 10lbs PR and to out pull DD by 5lbs.
735 – Brian came up to the platform and gave me a pep talk and a love tap. I came out and gave the pull everything I had. Missed 1” from lockout. It flew to my mid thigh and then stopped just shy of lockout. I needed to squeeze my glutes, but I just had nothing left.
735 – Got the bar to my knees, but I was spent. Literally done.
I am going to say that at this point I was pretty sad. I felt like I had embarrassed myself. I felt like I had let down everyone who was rooting for me. I was crushed… until I saw Pam waiting for me in the hall. After that, I was ok. I knew that this was a learning experience and I knew that this experience would only make me a better lifter. I am beyond thankful for Pam and as much as I try to do for her, she does more for me that she knows.
- As I said before, champions execute no matter the circumstances. I did not deserve to have the day I wanted with the way I executed and THAT’S OK! I will use this as a learning experience and never let it happen again. Getting discouraged isn’t going to help me and wuite frankly it is a waste of energy.
- Being a part of this team is a privilege and a gift. Each and every person on Team PRS did everything they could for one another. The team had been at the meet since 7am and they stayed until my last pull at 11pm to try and make sure I could have the best performance I was capable of. I cannot put into words how that felt. I am thankful, humbled and proud to be a part of this group and I cannot wait for my opportunity to pay it forward.
- I have the most amazing support system. I cannot count the number of calls, texts, Facebook messages from friends, family, training partners and even people I don’t know personally who wanted me to do well. So many people told me I inspire them. I never thought in my life that so many people would care how much weight I lifted, and how that positively impacts their lives. I am going to continue to be a positive influence and to repay this positive energy in any way I can.
- There will always be other meets and other goals, and I am thankful to have Pam by my side. I couldn’t do what I do without her support and I am going to continue to do everything on my end to support her in her goals in the same way. She’s my teammate for life.

Paul Oneid

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