Just like many cases, the answer is – it depends. Lets go one, by one.
Standing abs work – personally, I do not perform any trunk flexion in my midsection training. The risk:reward ratio simply isn’t there for me. That doesn’t mean that we do not do standing ab work. Weighted carries, weighted unilateral holds, pallof presses, overhead holds, landmine work are all fantastic tools to train the midsection as well as reinforce ground contact in a standing position.
Chains – great tools to train the top end range of motion and to reinforce acceleration and improve rate of force development. The have their place, but it would depend on the needs of the individual. Personally, I like using chains on bench, but don’t get much out of it on the squat and deadlift. Chains on triceps are also a favourite of mine, because they help reduce the strain on my elbow joint.
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Paul is an elite level raw Powerlifter with personal bests of an 805lbs squat, 440lbs bench, 725lbs deadlift and a 1960lbs total in the 242lbs class, as well as an 800lbs squat, 430lbs bench, 700lbs deadlift and 1930lbs total in the 220lbs class.
Paul brings a deep educational background to the team as he has earned Master’s degrees in both Sports Management and Exercise Science. He is a former D1 Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach, who now works as a Functional Rehabilitation Specialist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Paul provides coaching services in the areas of training and nutrition through his company Master Athletic Performance and is also the co-founder of a technology company, 1-Life Inc. Stay tuned for more information on that in the future!