16 May Tucker: The day I felt my shoulders
I’m still playing around in the gym so far. I’m getting ready for a pretty big move out of the state in the next couple days and I’ll be spending time with family for a few weeks before I finally settle down, so it hasn’t been a priority to get on a set training schedule. I’m just heading in and keeping a fairly regular rotation with the muscle groups and having fun.
[wa-wps]Sometimes not being motivated to move heavy weight or push it hard can lead to some big leaps forward, it did in this case for me. My chest and shoulders have always lagged because of a shoulder injury I didn’t take care of for a long time. I would always feel the irritation in my joint rather than feeling the muscle so often I was just going through the motions on those days until the last few years when I healed it up.
This last shoulder day was great because I finally just took the time to perfect and feel each movement. Of course, I’d try to do that in the past many times, but this time I was really set on it and kept the weight light and did sets of 15-20 over and over in whatever angles I needed to in order to feel the muscle from top to bottom, side to side, and fully isolate and PUMP.
one of the best things I did was to add some rotation to the movement. I noticed that helped me feel my chest with DB press and some other movements, and it doesn’t have to be a dramatic change to the exercise. Just a little something during the movement to get the muscle to activate a little more and that can help reinforce the feeling and train you to feel it no matter what exercise you’re doing.
Shoulder workout –
5 mins on treadmill
McGill 3
Cable raises – side, front and across the body – lots of sets of 15 to 20
DB side raises 20,20,15,15
DB front raises 20,20,15,15
single arm DB side raises with rotation 15,12,10
DB Arnold press 12,10,8
Machine shoulder press 12,10,8
In the vid below I’m doing side raises with 15 lbs and getting a really nice pump from it. Give it a try!

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