This is about us

This past weekend Lowcountry Strength hosted a day of lifting that I like to call our Fun Day.  It’s a nice way to top off a great training cycle.  There were a few meets around this time but with my wife expecting our second child, it was just too much for me to be too far away.  The crew was very willing to forgo a meet in place of an in house Fun Day.


These days are not about me.  These days are not about you.  These days are about us.  Our Fun Days bring the team together and solidify our friendship and passion about the sport we share.  We might not all share the same common beliefs outside the gym but we sure share our love for the sport.  This is why we do what we do.  This is who we are.

We started prepping for this just over 10 weeks ago.  This was a hybrid off season/in season cycle.  I was very specific with what I wanted each lifter to do.  So, while some of the things we did weren’t specifically how we’d do it at a meet, they were meant to build specific weaknesses.  And just like I planned, many really paid off.


Just highlights of the lifting:

  • Our old man Billy hitting a 15lb PR of 550 without briefs.
  • Dub going 15lbs over his all time PR in just briefs
  • Lil’ Steve hitting a 605 squat (5lbs PR) without briefs and a 20lb PR deadlift at 605
  • Steve T. with almost a 75lbs increase on his total since Jan.

These are just some of the big PRs.  Not to mention some of the others that will be set ups for bigger PRs down the road.  These were planned PRs that I wanted these folks to hit. Others might not know just what they hit or had been working on but I’ve got a plan.  Not every training cycle is for the big PR but to correct technique and weaknesses.  Getting those corrections and working those weaknesses have big pay offs.  Strength is a skill that is developed over time.  This is a marathon.  We take our time, set the appropriate pace and keep our eye on the finish line.  It’s down the road, and we’ve got to get there.  If we rush it, we’ll have to stop too soon or take a detour.  But if we’re patient and slowly chip away at it, big things are waiting at the end.


Special thanks to Brian Carroll for 10/20/Life and the understanding of training that has led to many injury free PRs.  Training is a life long journey that is always better when things don’t hurt.

Thanks to Al McDonagh and for the goodies and supporting TeamPRS.  With so many companies out there, it’s great to a see a good one that really gets behind the lifters.  If you haven’t already, head over and check out any of their amazing products.  All of which I recommend.

Thanks to Charleston Krav Maga for tolerating us.  We co-exist in an MMA facility with some of the best in the business.  I consider it an honor to be here and highly support everything they do.

Big thanks as always, to my wife.  She puts up with my love for this hobby.  I love you and now that the Fun Day is past us, you can have that baby any day now.  😉

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Low Country Strength

Will Kuenzel is the owner of Lowcountry Strength ( in Charleston, SC. Will started his athletic endeavors as a pole vault; finishing up his collegiate career with a best vault of 16’9” at a whopping 160lbs. He the track and field world to pursue bodybuilding, his first show in 2005, he won 1st place in Men’s Novice as a middle weight. One year later he took 2nd as a Men’s Junior heavy weight. Since 2007 he has been a competitive powerlifter and totaling elite as a 220lber. His best lifts in multiply equipment are a 710lbs squat, a 605lbs bench press, a 615lbs deadlift and a 1930 total. In 2008 Will started Lowcountry Strength out of his garage. Since then it has moved into a 16,000 sq/ft facility and shares space with a mixed martial arts studio. With all disciplines of powerlifting, strongman, MMA, jiu jitsu and other sports in the Charleston area getting trained under one roof, Will heads up the strength and conditioning for a wide variety of athletes and clients.
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