01 Jun Tucker: Full body workouts
After taking close to a two week lay off from working out and 5 days of driving, I was ready to start lifting again. Everything about me felt soft and undertrained, so I didn’t want to go in and try to slam out weights and a) just feel bad about myself because I’d be struggling with putting up any significant amount of weight, and b) I don’t want to give my body a huge shock unnecessarily when I could ease back into it without risk of injury.
If you find yourself in that kind of situation give a couple full body workouts a try. This is the first time I’ve done something like this but I felt like it got some tension and blood back in my muscles quickly and I was able to start training normally again within a couple days, rather than doing a traditional split and having to wait a week or so until I’d hit each muscle group.
Everything was done with some light cardio and a few sets of single leg hip thrusts, planks and another core exercise to get warm, and then the reps were usually around 15 for 2-3 sets. Rest periods were short and I got in and out in about an hour or less.
The general idea is that I’m doing mostly machine exercises with a few DB ones thrown in. I was gonna stick with the no barbells until I decided to audible on the second day and do some very light front squats and good morning…. I haven’t done good mornings in forever but I think I’ll be throwing them back in the mix after this because my hams were trashed the next day just from going light and repping it out.
I’ve been back to normal workouts since, and am just about to head up to Portland to train with Noel and see if I can get some tips from him and learn a thing or two…. The next log should be a bit more eventful!
Workout 1
Flat machine chest press
Lat pulldown
DB side raises
Leg press
Leg ext
Leg curl
Calf raises
Workout 2
Machine pec flies
Machine rows
DB shoulder press
DB curls
DB kickbacks
Front squats
Good mornings

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