02 Jun Daniel Dalenberg from 1500 – 2000lb RAW at 242!
In 2010, Daniel Dalenberg Contacted me for programming and coaching for an upcoming meet. We put together a really good plan that Dan executed perfectly. I think he totaled around 1500 or so and it was a nice PR total for him so both of us were temporarily satisfied.
With each cycle that I worked with Dan, we continued to refine his technique and dial in his approach to minimize his weak points. This is what 10/20/Life is ALL ABOUT. Controlling what you can control, and getting better at SOMETHING every day! We all have weak points and spots where we struggle. The key is to program assistance work to bring up the big 3 lifts (squat/bench/Dead). The last thing you want to do; only do assistance lifts because the strongest guys are doing them. This may not help you because we all miss in different spots and have different leverages.
Back to Dan….
Funny thing to note, for this particular meet Dan weighted 233. Dan’s last and biggest meet (below) he weighed 232(less). So, 1 pound lighter but 300lb stronger!
Fast forward to 2011, Dan hits an even better total!
”Brian’s programming for this meet was great! I had an awesome day, going 8/9 and surpassing all of the goals that I had set for the meet. All three lifts came up nicely, surprising me on meet day. I was extremely happy with how things turned out and will continue to have Brian set up my training. I would recommend him to anyone that needs help getting ready for a meet.
Meet day lifting:
Weighed in at 233 on an empty stomach the morning of the meet, pretty much right where I expected to be.
Squat: 660
Bench: 410
1630 total!”
Dan’s most recent meet in March 2014:
BW: 232
Squat: 755 vs 660
Bench: 505 vs 410
Deadlift: 680, 700 in gym vs 560
1900 total (top 5 in country)
“Brian and I first started working together in December 2010. At the time I was lifting in the 220s, raw with wraps and had just totaled 1575. Over the past three and a half years I have continuously hired Brian and always used the 10/20/Life methodology. I have been able to put about 100 pounds on my total each year, 325 pounds so far with a recent 1900 pound raw total @ 242. All three lifts are up over 100 pounds with a 755 squat, 505 bench and a 700 deadlift.
Simply put, Brian’s coaching and mentoring has put me in the injury free, pro total position that I am in. I’d recommend him to anyone and have no doubt that the sky is the limit for me.”
Update: Daniel recently competed at Relentless Detroit on November 8, 2014. Daniel had the following performance; 800 squat, 490 bench and a 710 deadlift for a monumental 2000 total at 242 in knee wraps and a belt only.
See video below:
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Daniel Dalenberg

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