The title of this log is an inside joke that will make all of my high school friends laugh. There was a brawl at a basketball game between us and our rivals. My dad was there. He heard someone was looking for me to fight me and he screamed, “WHO’S LOOKING FOR DANNY VEGA?!” I love my dad lol. People still say this line to me 20 years later. Anyway, buckle up it’s kind of a long one.
Some quick updates that I’ll elaborate on below:
Podcast episode with Keto Savage on eating disorders and announcing our 2 upcoming projects/collaborations:
Podcast episode with Carrie Brown and Brian Williamson on our upcoming membership site:
My speech at KetoCon:
Fitness panel at KetoCon:
Some training at KetoCon:
A private coaching event I did at KetoCon:
A video I did for keto all day every day:
^^^^I got sick of posting stuff…I think you get the point by now. I’ve been busy!
This is the third log I post where I have let a considerable amount of time (way too long) pass without an update. What have I left out? Well, August was insane. Work was busy, I’m leading my team in sales, I spent a week in Austin the last week of August through the 5th of September, spoke on stage, was a member of two panels, met a lot of awesome people and came up with some massive ideas for the future, today we launched our ketovangelist performance coaching at ketovangelistcoaching.com, next week we launch ketovangelistunlimited.com, and a LOT more I left out.
First of all, I want to apologize to Brian and my teammates at PRS for not having a presence on our site, knowing how much I’ve learned from him and the team, and how much he has helped me as a mentor and friend. That’s that!
Secondly, it’s Deload week, I’m back and forth between several gyms, and I’m extra busy so you won’t really see what I’m doing in the gym but that will change next week. Because….
Third of all, I’m starting a new 3 month hypertrophy experiment with my buddy Robert Sikes (keto savage) and we will be documenting all of it along the way. Robert is even more OCD than I am when it comes to tracking and spreadsheets, so we will have some awesome documentation.
The experiment in a nutshell: for the next 3 months, we will be in a 500 calorie surplus from what we’ve been eating. We will rotate where those calories come from each month, and test bodyfat, weight, measurements, and some other variables after each month. The first month, all the calories will come from protein, the second month fat, and December will be a 50/50 split of protein and fat.
Programming: you know we have to do a variation of our 10/20/power building that we have tweaked and perfected over the last year and a half, and I probably be doing some other things I haven’t been doing because this programming is a collaboration between myself and Robert to do something that works for the both of us.
Other than that, life is grand. Very busy, but who am I kidding? I love being busy. At least I sure do act like it the way I take on new projects and opportunities. I’m pumped for Q4 of 2017. I have a feeling it’s gonna be epic.
So don’t get used to not seeing me. I’m not going anywhere.

Danny Vega

Latest posts by Danny Vega (see all)
- Danny Vega – High Protein recap and training - November 8, 2017
- Danny Vega – Hypertrophy Experiment UPDATE - October 28, 2017
- Danny Vega – Hypertrophy Week 1 – 1020Life Seminar - October 9, 2017
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