05 Apr Zane Geeting, Off Season Week 3 with VIDEO
I recently competed in the XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic where I totaled 1710@198 raw with wraps. I’m now in an off season training cycle with a 2x per week split, working on bringing up some weak areas. As of now my plan is to compete at the return of the WPO this fall, I haven’t decided if I’ll do any meets between now and then.
This was a good week of training, with some benching on the upper day, and a little bit of squat volume on the lower day. Here’s 2 of my three top sets on squat:
As you can probably see I’m not feeling super comfortable squatting, but that’s to be expected after the little bit of time I took off after the meet. Overall I don’t think it’s too bad. These were the 2nd and 3rd sets at this weight (470)
Here’s what the training schedule looked like for the week:
3/27/2018, Tuesday Night Upper Training
The goal on this day was to work some sets of 8 on the bench, then hammer the triceps before finishing with some upper back and shoulder work. Here’s what I did:
Warm up
DB OHP, Scare crows, Side laterals, Push ups, McGill’s, Bird Dogs, Cat/Camel
Warmed up to 235x8x5 sets
BW x10x2 sets
1 set of chain x10x3 sets
Standing French Press
4 sets of 10-12 reps
Seal rows
5 minute cluster set
Side laterals
3 sets of 10 + 1 drop set
- Good session, did everything I wanted to, kept to my RPE on my main work (7) and got done in a timely fashion. Looking forward to adding some weight next time.
3/30/2018, Friday Night Lower Training
This was a squat volume week. The goal was to do around 15 total reps around an RPE of 7, Here’s what I did:
Warm up
BW squat, McGill’s, Donkey kicks, Glute bridges, Cat/Camel, Hip airplanes, BW squat again
Warmed up to 420×3, then… 470x5x3 sets
Belt squat
5 sets of 10 reps
DB bent rows
5 sets of 10 reps
Wide pulldowns
5 minute cluster set
EZ bar curls
5 minute cluster set
- That was all of it. Got some good work in at a good clip, felt like I did something. The squats felt a little heavy and awkward, but that’s not surprising after taking a few weeks off post meet. I’m sure things will start clicking in the coming weeks.

Zane Geeting

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