20 Sep Zane Geeting, RPS Northern KY Throwdown 2017 with VIDEOS
I recently competed in my first full raw meet since 2007. It was a great learning experience and I totaled 1720@198 via a 680 squat, 380 bench, and 660 deadlift. My full write up is below.
Where to start? Well, I guess the videos of my lifts are as good a place as any, so let’s do that…
680 squat
380 bench
660 Deadlift
My attempts on all lifts were as follows:
600- good
640- good
680- good
360- no lift, ass came up
360- good
380- good
660- good
710- miss
710- miss
So there it is, I think I left a little in the tank on all three lifts, some of that was due to trying to build a total, and some was actually due to poor attempt selection. Let’s look at the things that I learned at this meet.
1. This big of a weight cut changes the rules some- When you’re already eating super clean, which I was with the help of Tucker Loken (who I’m very thankful to) you have to consider that you’re carrying less water weight than normal, and that what is there drops very easily at first, but then stops very abruptly. I planned my weight cut around my dry morning weight, when I should have been planning it around my walking around weight. Regardless of this I made weight and learned something.
2. I need more conventional DL work- I’ve done very little conventional DL work which has long been a staple for me. Because of this my deadlift was not nearly as strong as usual and it cost me valuable lbs. on my total.
3. Be prepared for equipment differences and ready to make adjustment on the fly- Zac and Jim at River City Barbell put on one hell of a meet with excellent judging, spotting, and equipment. I can honestly say this was one of the best run, most fair meets I’ve ever been to in all my years. That being said their platform bench, while a better bench than the one I train on, is a little lower. I foolishly tried setting up like normal on my opener and this cost me an attempt because of my ass coming off the bench. I had to play with setup and had trouble getting my usual leg drive. This is something I should have been more mindful of in the warm up room. Again, lesson learned.
I believe that next time out, I’ll have this raw thing down a little better and that I will go over 1800@198. Now, there are some people that I need to thank…
Zac and Jim- Bravo guys, hell of a meet
My wife- The best training partner and handler I could ever ask for. She was also competing (she hit an impressive 775@148 in her 2nd full meet) and she still made sure I had everything I needed. I got lucky with this little lady, Love ya, Toots.
My training partners- Garett Curtis, Jake Zainea, Mike Guntermann, Dirk DeBoer, and Logan Schultz, I couldn’t have done it without you guys. From the help in the gym, to sitting in the sauna with me during the cut, and everything else, you guys are always there to make sure we take care of business
Brian Carroll- Without his help over the years I wouldn’t be half the lifter I am. Brian has been part of every meet prep since 2009, and I can’t express how valuable he has been. Thank you also to Brian for providing TeamPRS with the best gear on the market, Inzer Advance Designs which you can check out here=> Inzer Advance Designs. I love my Power compression singlet which I used during squats and deads. And, of course, my Black Beauty wrist and knee wraps – which gave tremendous support, stability and carryover on the squat!
Mac Hinders- Mr. Mac came to handle me and the team at the meet and did a tremendous job. From wrapping knees, handing off benches, keeping track of the order, and even kick ass food suggestions, Mac came and made it happen on short notice. Great dude with a great attitude.
Daniel Dalenberg- Dan put together a top notch training cycle for me and had me as ready as I could possibly be for my return to raw lifting after all these years. This relieved a ton of stress for me in the busy summer months through everything I had going on. Dan is a programming ace.
Tucker Loken- Tucker got my diet dialed in and had me in the best physical shape I’ve ever been going into a meet. It was important that my BW stay at a certain point and Tucker kept me there like a true professional.
Derek Wilcox- Derek gave me some great pointers on squat technique, wrapping, etc. that really turned my squat around in the last few weeks. There’s no way I would have hit that 680, and made it look so easy if it weren’t for D. With what he taught me I think I’ll go over 700 next time out.
I’m sure I’m forgetting some people, but just know that I greatly appreciate everything that everyone did to get me ready for this one. It was great seeing old friends and making some new ones. I look forward to doing future meets at River City Barbell. Next up I need to pick a meet and decide if I want to do it raw or equipped. Choices choices.

Zane Geeting

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