Zane Geeting, Sunday afternoon shirted benching with video

I’m currently training to make my comeback to the platform for the XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic, in March. It’s been nearly 2 years since I’ve competed, and I’m looking to make a respectable, but not crazy first showing.


My plan this week was to get back into the shirt, touch some weight, and try to establish an opener. I had a number in my head, but as I always say about benching post injury, its all by feel at this point. Here’s how things shaped up.


Warm up


Side laterals

Rear delt DB raises

DB cleans

Fat man rows and push ups


Warmed up to 290×1 raw

Add loose shirt

380×3- 3 board

420×1- 2 board

470×1- 1 board

510×1- touch (video)

– This moved even faster than I had expected. I do need to clean up the handoff and take the bar at arms length, but that’s not a big deal, just something to keep in mind as I move forward. There was a small amount of cramping in the bad pec, but it was nothing out of the ordinary, I experience that stuff in day to day life regularly.

DB bench

2×10 with 90’s

1×15 with 90’s

DB incline, slow tempo

3×12 with 50’s

One arm band pushdowns

100 total reps

Side laterals

3×12 up to 50’s

Band pull aparts

50 total reps


-That was the end. This session puts me in a better spot than I had expected. Its 100 lbs. below my old opener, but it keeps me in the game and allows for me to post some kind of total. It also lets me know that there’s room for improvement because my shirt is 2 sizes too big, and its still working for me.


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Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a pro multi-ply powerlifter with best lifts of a 935 squat, 625 bench, and 765 deadlift. He is coming back to competitive PL after a year and a half layoff that was a result of several serious injuries including a severe rupture of the right pec that could not be repaired. Zane has an extremely busy schedule that would make most people quit before Friday. He works 55+ hours a week as a finance manager. As a renaissance man, he is also currently restoring a 140 year-old farmhouse and maintaining a hobby farm. Despite all this, Zane still finds time to train 2-3 times per week, as well as coach other lifters.  
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