Injury Resilience/Performance/ Lift Form Review | Strength Training | Programming & Coaching | Consulting
A virtual consult with Brian Carroll: Brian offers various coaching and consulting services to help you achieve your goals, big or small. Brian’s 20+ years of ‘in the trenches’ lifting, coaching, learning, writing, and rehabbing gives him the unique ability to help you achieve your goals with real-world validity and carryover like nobody else. For those looking for Back Injury/Pain help, please go to Virtual Back Pain Consulting. Brian Carroll openly admits that virtual coaching is imperfect and in-person coaching is unmatchable, but some cannot make the trip to Florida, and I want to open my services up worldwide. However, since the 2020 Pandemic, many have been forced to adapt to the new way of life and have found immense success and progress through virtual coaching sessions with Brian Carroll. Brian currently has clients from all walks of life on every continent except Antarctica.
Since 2008, Brian has produced immense success from all levels of individuals who compete and athletes of various backgrounds via virtual coaching. Zane Geeting was Brian Carroll’s first virtual client – you can read about his success and hundreds of others here. So, no matter the goal, whether you want to get stronger for personal goals, compete in powerlifting, tighten up your lifting form, go down a weight class, get healthier overall, lose body fat, or require some guidance with a lifting approach and program snags and confusion, Brian has you covered. To make the most effective consult possible, Brian suggests reading 10/20/Life before booking the consult about lifting and his book Cutting Weight for those needing to slide into a weight class. Still, he offers no promise of outcome, only his best advice and effort.
Also, Brian currently consults and is utilized by professional sports teams, their coaches, and individual athletes (both professional and amateur) who want to learn how to dial in their lifting form on the squat, bench, and deadlift, whether they are active competitors or not, and need better programming than the typical cookie-cutter strength coach.
Brian has worked with male and female athletes at all levels in many respects. He’s coached multiple 2000 raw totals accomplished under 242 lbs, 2700lb totals (including himself), and countless totals over 2500lb. One particular success story is Daniel Dalenberg, who started at 1500lb total in 2010 and finished with over 2000lb in 2014 raw, with 2400 equipped in 2017. Brian admits he’s made plenty of mistakes in his training over the years. He’s learned the ‘hard way’ as established in his latest book, Co-authored with Dr. Stuart McGill, “Gift of Injury.” But, with these ‘hard-won’ lessons come much wisdom that only those who’ve ‘been there’ can obtain.
“Great coaches know the science of how to expand the biological limits of their athletes, and then respect those limits to avoid injury. Brian Carroll knows how to build an injury-resilient and high-performance strength athlete. He has been there himself and continues to coach others to reach their potential.”
— Professor Stuart McGill- Professor of Spine Biomechanics & Author of “Back Mechanic”
Lift and exercise coaching & cueing to troubleshoot form (live critiques and/or video review)
Program adherence & accountability coaching
Nutrition & Supplementation Coaching & Guidance (10 or 20 weeks)
Weight Cut Navigation for Competition (Final 2 weeks of guidance)
Nutrition & Supplementation Coaching & Guidance plus Weight Cut navigation for competition (10 or 20 weeks)
Offseason PowerBuilding Programming & Coaching with Diet & Supplementation Coaching & Guidance with Brian Carroll. (10 or 20 weeks)
Offseason Powerlifting Programming & Coaching (10 & 20 weeks)
Precontest/Peaking Powerlifting Programming & Coaching (10 weeks)
Offseason & Precontest Powerlifting Programming & Coaching (20 weeks)
This half-hour video consultation is ONLY for those looking to do a ‘follow-up’ concerning powerlifting, program consulting/coaching, lifting, form coaching, video review, supplement, nutrition, and weight-cutting consulting, not back pain.
If you are a back-pained client, please visit Back Pain/Injury virtual consulting. Please follow the prompts there.
Web conferencing details are provided upon Payment confirmation via Email.
NOTE: Please check your spam box. Notifications for Google Meet and/or responses from Brian Carroll could go to your spam box/folder.
If you have not received a notification booking with a link, please email directly.
$124.99 USD
This Hour video consultation is for those looking for guidance and or help concerning powerlifting, program consulting/coaching, lifting, form coaching, video review, supplement, nutrition, and weight-cutting consulting, not back pain.
If you are a back-pained client, please visit Back Pain/Injury virtual consulting. Please follow the prompts there.
Web conferencing details are provided upon Payment confirmation via email.
NOTE: Please check your spam box. Notifications for Google Meet and/or responses from Brian Carroll could go to your spam box/folder.
If you have not received a notification booking with a link, please email directly.
$249.99 USD
This consultation will help concerning powerlifting, program consulting/coaching, lifting, form coaching, video review, supplement, nutrition, and weight-cutting consulting, not back pain.
If you are a back-pained client, please visit Back Pain/Injury virtual consulting. Please follow the prompts there.
Web conferencing details are provided upon Payment confirmation via Email.
NOTE: Please check your spam box. Notifications for Google Meet and/or responses from Brian Carroll could go to your spam box/folder.
If you have not received a notification booking with a link, please email directly.
$499.99 USD
Contact Brian Carroll